Guideline to linking in a multilicense situation

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at
Fri May 30 15:20:33 UTC 2008

Hi List,

My mentor would like to use a library for part of his GSoC work that
is licensed partially under the BSD license and partially under the
Apache License.  The library is PlotKit and can be found here:

As far as bundeling the library, we can always encourage him to create
a separate package for Fedora, so that we can ship Smolt as a GPL2
only package with a dependency.  In terms of GSoC related things, it's
one more way to encourage him to join the community, of course.  My
only question is though, are we allowed to link to this library?  I'm
afraid I don't quite understand the nuances of a mixed license
environment.  Or would we need to fork the library to match licenses?


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