Fedora 10 GA Release Planning Meeting

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Thu Nov 20 16:13:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:02:15PM -0800, John Poelstra wrote:

> --would it be possible to get bits to ambassadors early for release parties?

BTW, the response to this is the consisent response we have had over
the years.

We work really hard to bring everything together on one day for
maximum impact.  We don't want to subvert that without serious reason.

On occasion a person must get access to the bits in advance.  For
example, a group planning a release party for the day of the release
is going to be where the bandwidth is slow, unreliable, and
expensive.  By having the bits with them, they greatly improve the
experience (or even make it possible).

It should be noted that anyone can get the actual bits that make up
the GA release by drawing from rawhide, or using the Preview and
updating to rawhide.  So, there are ways for people to take care of
themselves without requesting a break of release policy.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
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