Fedora Remix and Adblock extension

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Mon Nov 30 19:02:13 UTC 2009

Rahul Sundaram (sundaram at fedoraproject.org) said: 
> > Rahul, this is no different from the handling of the Fedora trademark.
> > Remixers who wish to use the unmodified Firefox package can use
> > Mozilla's trademark. Those who want to make changes (to embed adblock or
> > any other package change), will need to talk to Mozilla to see if it is
> > acceptable or not.
> I don't really think its quite the same situation. I can't think of any
> other package that I can't combine with another package in Fedora
> without special permission from a third party. Besides Mozilla, can you
> cite a single instance where Fedora Project has special trademark
> agreements on modifications that is not inherited by downstreams?

It sounds like you're implicitly asking us to not agree to Mozilla's
trademark agreements, and to go the Iceweasel route. We have decided
in the past not to do this; I'm not sure why we'd change now.


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