Pressed media idea

Sandro "red" Mathys red at
Fri Aug 27 15:48:30 UTC 2010

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at> wrote:
> Might I make another suggestion? Encourage interested parties to bring
> (or purchase nearby) a 4GB flash drive and just set up a couple stations
> for creating their own bootable flash drive, either with the live media
> or the DVD install.

We did that in Europe several times but I don't know the overall
experience. At the events where I was, there's been some interest in
this and most people had an usb stick with them (or brought one along
the next day). I also remember at events where we didn't offer this
that there's been people asking about that possibility and we quickly
made it happen (like if you have a demo laptop at the booth, it's
easily done anyway). Also, we had some usb sticks for sale but that
didn't work well.

I think it's worth at least trying - like when you run out of some
type of media and people ask about them just ask whether they have an
usb stick with them and offer to put the image on that.

But we always did this primarily with the liveCD images as the DVDs
are still rather too big for what most people carry around...and they
definitely want the live experience.

-- red

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