Increasing user testing and feedback (was Re: Bad-mouthing and hostility)

Colin Walters walters at
Thu Mar 11 15:52:42 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Colin Walters <walters at> wrote:
> This needs to go through the Fedora Design group.
> I'd beg to please, pretty please, don't add stuff to firstboot;

And actually how the heck would this even work at a technical level?
There's no networking in firstboot because NetworkManager isn't set

Both the half-baked mini-operating-systems we ship (standalone
anaconda and firstboot) really need to die...

And also, unless you truly *force* people to have a valid login, you
still need to handle the case in the UI where there's no Fedora
account set up already, so components of the UI like ABRT and
PackageKit need the just-in-time functionality *anyways*.

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