Fedora vision & more specific goals

Máirín Duffy duffy at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 16 22:54:02 UTC 2010

A quick note on effective participation in this thread:

Please, if you have some opposition to some idea expressed in this
thread, please propose a alternative idea or an expansion of the idea -
I would love to hear your ideas on how we can move forward and achieve
our vision. 

Playing devil's advocate and halting discussion doesn't help us move
forward and at worst demotivates the folks who are proposing ideas and
trying to move forward and halts the entire process. I do not want this
thread to be want this thread to be a carnival game where each post is
target practice, rather I'd love to see a brainstorm where each post is
a new idea, each made possible by the ideas before it.


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