Group proposal: FEMA, the Fedora Election Management and Administration

Max Spevack mspevack at
Wed Nov 17 01:34:37 UTC 2010

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Larry Cafiero wrote:

> Once a completed proposal is in place, I would like to approach the 
> board at that time to gain its approval. In the meantime, I ask again 
> that those interested in forming an administrative body to oversee 
> elections contribute to the proposal.

Great start, Larry.

On the less logistical side, I'd propose that FEMA take care of some 
form of institutional knowledege:

Clear docs for setting up a townhall meeting, and strategies for making 
sure that hour of time is successful.  Politely pushing people to answer 
questions, the moderator being fair but also having the ability to ask 
followup questions that make sense, etc.


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