Proposal for the new Fedora Project

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Fri Oct 1 16:16:19 UTC 2010

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure we ship an enterprise server product.  Not a general
> purpose one.  This shift would focus efforts to virtualization (RH has
> that) cloud computing (RH is working on that) and middleware (RH has
> that).  The synergy abounds.

Red Hat loses in the end because of the nature of FOSS software.
People use FOSS because they want to "own their computers" or as you
put it "own their destinies."  By shifting the Fedora focus to the
cloud, you lose your user base and Red Hat loses the benefits Fedora
provides towards polishing the enterprise product(*).

SaaS is nothing without the first S (software).  Who takes over the
first S when Fedora is moving to cover the second S (service)?

(*) This is the key word here, product, both for Red Hat and for Fedora.


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