
Ryan Rix ry at n.rix.si
Mon Oct 18 19:41:41 UTC 2010

Hey all,

By my count, elections should be coming up, but I haven't heard anything about 
them... Do we have someone in charge of them? I know in the past it was mostly 
John Rose and Paul Mellors, but I know John isn't interested and haven't seen 
Paul around much.

Has the board done anything on finding someone else to run elections? Is there 
a backup plan should there simply not be anyone who is willing to run them? Is 
anyone on the list willing to manage said elections if the board hasn't found 
anyone to run them? :)


Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
== http://rix.si/page/contact/ if you need a word         ==
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