New trademark approval policy

David Nalley david at
Tue Aug 2 05:53:35 UTC 2011

I havent answered your first question - which I think is important.

> I think this next question is related, but I'm having a hard time
> drawing the line from the above to it, so I'll just throw it out here.
> There is a difference between "an official Fedora spin" and "a spin of
> Fedora that follows the trademark guidelines".

So at least from the perspective of the trademark guidelines there is
'unmodified Fedora media' which is:
"exact copies of the CD and DVD images distributed by the Fedora
Project and its mirrors"
Now how you become unmodified Fedora media is a completely different question.

There's also OEM pre-loads, and virtual images or appliances with
unmodified Fedora software, for which permission has been granted.
These, at least according to my reading, can contain any combination
of software which exists in Fedora's repositories, and can be
generated in virtually any method that works.

Spins, which technically become 'unmodified Fedora media which is
distributed by Fedora', are a separate category under the trademark
guidelines, which requires explicit trademark approval from the Board
to use the trademarks, despite the fact the similiar permission is not
needed for OEM pre-loads or virtual images or appliances.

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