Pleasant Reminder: Public Board IRC Meeting is today, Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 18:30 UTC

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at
Wed Apr 4 15:24:13 UTC 2012


This is a friendly reminder that the Fedora Board will be having a 
public IRC meeting Today!, Wednesday, April 4, at 18:30 UTC. This 
meeting is open to everyone, participation and input is welcomed.

When: 18:30 UTC (2:30pm US-Eastern), on April 4, 2012
Where: in #fedora-meeting on (assuming no conflicts)
Meeting Info:
Meeting Secretary: David Nalley

Today's agenda is:

* Announcements
* Open Q & A
* David Nalley on his Board member goals
* TM Guidelines discussion, ongoing
* Open Tickets:
   ** 130: Make the Board less of a Single Point of Failure
   ** 84: Annual User Survey
   ** 81: Where should start.fp.o point? (ie: Non-FOSS search engine, or ?)
* Any other business?
* Next public Board IRC meeting time/date confirmation: April 18, 2012, 
18:30 UTC


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