Fedora Torrent seeder plans and future

Max Spevack mspevack at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jan 28 02:33:03 UTC 2012

> 1) Fedora uses closed sourced torrent server for ipv6 and other options.

Dennis, Robyn, and I have had an initial conversation about the work 
that would be required to get Fedora and EPEL repositories in S3, so 
they can be available for Fedora instances or EPEL-compatible EC2 
instances, but we haven't done anything other than just talk so far.

S3 also serves as a torrent seeder, though that is a separate and 
distinct use case from repositories and I'm not sure whether or not it's 
something Fedora Infrastructure would want to consider.

But I do wonder what the best Fedora sub-project is to continue the 
discussion of how to make S3 a part of mirror manager -- is that 
Infrastructure or Cloud SIG?


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