Proposal request for ideas on naming Fedora releases.

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Tue Jul 24 19:11:44 UTC 2012

On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 20:56 +0200, Emilio Lopez wrote:
> >I love the idea of using scientists, explorers, writers (not just
> >sci-fi), artists...anything really that pushes the boundaries of the
> >human experience...and not just people, Leonidas was a (or several
> >really) ship too.
> >Also, I would have to say that so far my favourite Fedora artwork is
> >from Verne ;-)
> I fully agree with that. I was thinking in this exactly naming scheme
> Scientists, explorers, writers, artists...
> I would like to have a Fedora Newton or a Fedora Dali.

Unfortunately, while there are several 'famous people' schemes proposed
on the wiki, you'll note they're in the section vetoed by legal. I think
using names of people is problematic for that reason, so we need to
avoid it AFAIK.


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