[Ambassadors] Runoff election for Board seat has begun.

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 10:49:07 UTC 2012

On 06/13/2012 04:24 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 09:17:23PM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
>> On 06/12/2012 04:34 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
>>> Well there are several aspects of the election process that don't seem
>>> fair and reasonable to me from general and community perspective so
>>> let's agree on disagreeing on this topic.
>>> In essence I would think we would want to have the greatest diversity in
>>> our governing structure otherwise this election will essential still
>>> just be popularity contest and feel unwelcome ( and with impossible odds
>>> ) to new people that want to participate in it.
>>> I would think it was a fair rule to be able to run for all governing
>>> body's ( as long as you are not serving in one ) then choose which one
>>> you will serve should you get elected to more then one and the runner(s)
>>> up would grab that/those seat(s) that the individual chose to leave behind.
>>> And in addition to the above I feel that we should have a limit on how
>>> many terms the same individual can serve in the same governing body to
>>> ensure we always have rotation on new people that bring in fresh
>>> perspective, fresh approaches and fresh ideas in those governing body's.
>> If we consistently had a /lot/ of candidates who were being passed
>> over by the "popular" ones, maybe you'd have an argument.  Given that
>> we're seeing a struggle to get /anybody/ to fill the open seats and
>> are often voting where there is 1 extra candidate beyond seats to
>> fill I really don't thing adding any additional barriers to those
>> seats is going to improve matters.
> I can see his point with FESCo, actually.  But I don't know that the changes
> proposed here would "fix" it.

The only way to find out is to implement it and measure the outcome then 
revisit the proposal after at least what three release cycles?

We have a "fail safe" if there wont be enough nominees for any governing 
body elections and that is the FPL can fill the seats and those can be 
filled in with anyone including individuals that either are with the 
same company ( if we would implement the corporate restriction proposal 
) or if an individual has reached the limit on how many terms he can sit 
within a given governing body ( limit number of terms/consecutive terms 
proposal ) or if it's an individual that is currently sitting in a 
governing body  ( limit individual to being only able to serve in a 
single governing body at a time proposal ).

In essence whomever the FPL appoints supersedes any election rules we 
might have put in place should the need for him to arise to start 
appointing people in the first place.


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