[Ambassadors] Runoff election for Board seat has begun.

Jon Ciesla limburgher at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 15:56:31 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:25 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
> <johannbg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 06/13/2012 01:00 PM, Jon Ciesla wrote:
>>> Agreed.  When I ran for FESCO, among my reasons for self-nominating
>>> (other than having ideas about what FESCO should do and delusions that
>>> I had contribution to make) was that the nominee pool was, at that
>>> time, short of what was required to hold the election.
>>> And I got in.
>> Here you claim you got automatically in because the nomination pool was to
>> short
>>> And if I'm what you'd consider popular, I suggest taking a few steps
>>> into the big blue room with the green carpet and having a look-see.
>> You certainly are far from being on my popular list and I suggest next time
>> you at least communicate with feature process owners before you start
>> royally fucking up their work they have been working at for several release
>> cycles!
>> I'll probably have to be spending this and the next release cycle to clean
>> up your mess ...
> There is absolutely no need for language and personal insults such as
> this, it's completely inappropriate for any Fedora list. That said
> it's also not the job of FESCo to interfere with anyone's features,
> it's the job of FESCo to approve whether it's adhering to the general
> technical direction of Fedora and that it's not contrary to other
> features either already in Fedora or proposed. The whole idea of
> having multiple people on the board and various committees is that it
> is majority rules and a process of peer review. Clearly you don't
> understand how it works otherwise you would have realised that and not
> made the deeply regretful comments.

To clarify, my actions referred to above were not done in a FESCO
capacity, but as an interested ProvenPackager.  I think that was
understood, but I thought I'd point that out in case there's any


> I think that if you feel so strongly maybe you should stand for
> election next time to enact change as it's all too easy to criticise
> when others actually pull their hand up to do the work. Having been on
> the board for a year already I thought long and hard before standing
> again because it's a non insignificant amount of time. The same goes
> with the other roles. In the very least you could actually document a
> propose changes for the others that are doing the work to review and
> vote on.
> Regards,
> Peter
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