[Ambassadors] Runoff election for Board seat has begun.

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 17:22:16 UTC 2012

On 06/13/2012 01:44 PM, Jon Ciesla wrote:
> Doesn't commenting on BZs you filed qualify as communication?  If I
> make a change and it doesn't work, I read documentation and attempt to
> fix it.  I test things.  If they work, that's what I go with.  I've
> already stated I'll run future alterations by you.  I'm happy to work
> with you, but it sounds you're suggesting that I only act on your word
> and not use my own judgement.  If that's not correct, please clarify.

There is far more involved in the feature process then simply migrating 
the unit that you are unaware of.

Not updating this list [1] ( and the each release list we had previously 
before them ) affects other distribution migration work since we are 
trying to reduce duplication of migration efforts between distributions.

For example if someone pops up on the systemd channel and ask has foo 
been migrating or I'm having trouble migrating foo this is the list he's 
refereed to from our end and if foo is not listed there he's redirected 
to search our packaging database for foo and if exist fetch the unit 
from the git url provided there.

And how the unit got migrate in F17 which directly related to [2] which 
was scheduled to be performed around F18 which you then suddenly started 
to revert for units submitted during the F17 development cycle then out 
of nowhere this change happens [3]?

And when asked why this change was made no one can give an answer or 
point me to the discussion that was had regarding that change.

>> >I'll probably have to be spending this and the next release cycle to clean
>> >up your mess ...
> I'm more than happy to help you with this, though that willingness is
> beginning to wane.

Your packaging efforts where very well appreciated it's when you decided 
upon your self to start migrating/modifying units when things started to 
take turn for the worse.

And people should not act all surprised that I'm bit upset after this 
especially after I found out that I was tagged on some fesco ticket 
because two individuals got the idea in their head having me bypassing 
the packaging process which was something that I also was never 
consulted upon. Then left me standing there on that relevant meeting 
hanging for something they had started. Even today I still wonder what 
their end game was with this stunt.

I personally dont think it's to much to ask to be informed about things 
involving myself or my work within the community from my fellow 
community members.

If you haven't figured it out by now I'm not an individual that likes 

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Johannbg/Features/SysVtoSystemd-F17
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Systemd-unit-cleanup

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