Fedora Board Recap 2012-11-14

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 10:19:30 UTC 2012

Fedora Board Meeting | 2012-11-14

* David Nalley
* Nick Bebout

* Robyn Bergeron
* Eric Christensen
* Jaroslav Reznik
* Garrett Holmstrom
* John Rose
* Peter Robinson
* Toshio Kuratomi
* Christoph Wickert

Today's lucky secretary: Peter Robinson

* Announcements
** All nominations for elections closed out last night
** Release name voting ends midnight Thursday. Vote NOW!
** FUDCon NA Subsidies reviews are beginning later this week. Submit
requests NOW!
** Release is back into beta freeze (Nov 14, Beta planned on Nov 27)

* CWG nominee status (toshio)
** 5 affirmative responses, 5 outstanding replies
** Following up for a final decision for next week
** Currently has public and private ml -- will talk about taking over
admin of that
** has wiki page
** Would need to get a trac instance
** Need to have one of the people drive it forward
** Toshio will be away from Nov 22 through Dec 4.  Hopefully get the
group launched before then but may have to be after

* FUDCon plans
** What are groups planning on doing?
** ARM is planning a number of sessions
** Session on improving the Feature process?
** 1 day Ambassador FAD before FUDCon
** EMEA December Fedora Ambassador FAD in early December
** Public Board meeting
** Board meeting for the preceding Wednesday will be cancelled

* Next Board Meeting: IRC, 2012-11-21

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