Reminder: Public Board IRC Meeting Today, Wednesday, 2012-09-26 @ 18:30 UTC. Open Q&A!

Robyn Bergeron robyn.bergeron at
Wed Sep 26 17:22:30 UTC 2012


This is a lovely reminder that the Fedora Board will be having a
public IRC meeting Today!, Wednesday, September 26, at 18:30 UTC. This
meeting is open to everyone, participation and input is welcomed. So
come on over and visit, ask questions, bring your thoughts!

When: 18:30 UTC (2:30pm US-Eastern), on September 26, 2012
Where: in #fedora-meeting on (assuming no conflicts)
Meeting Info:
Meeting Secretary: Christoph Wickert


* Announcements
* Open Q&A
* Ticket #141: Keep better, open records of how Board members vote on issues
* Release naming status (Jreznik)
* Next Public Board IRC Meeting time/date confirmation: Wednesday,
October 10, 2012 @ 18:30 UTC

Additionally - I am unable to be in attendance today (may join in
depending on circumstances) - Eric has graciously volunteered to
direct the meeting today.  Thanks, Sparks! :)


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