Brainstorming ideas for next user base discussion

Bill Nottingham notting at
Wed Apr 10 18:24:41 UTC 2013

Robyn Bergeron (robyn.bergeron at said: 
> This is off the cuff and by no means thorough or concrete, but as an
> example:
> If Fedora offers $thing,
> * What needs to be done to create $thing? Do we have the pieces, or gaps?
> * What problems does this solve?
> * What are the potential pitfalls?
> * How do we define success (or at least, increasing success)? What are the
> milestones? (Important for making people feel like their work has a
> positive impact, things are going places, etc.)
> * What is the audience we reach with $thing, and how do we reach them?
> * Do we have people willing to do the work?

This reads to me as a really great way to ideate and iterate over how we
would do something... and a really painful process to try and do in an
IRC meeting.

It's a meta-problem, but I wonder what tools are best for scaling these
sorts of discussions out coherently to the number of participants and
geographic diaspora that we have in Fedora.


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