Request: ban Harald Reindl from devel@

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at
Tue May 7 22:40:46 UTC 2013

On Thursday, 02 May 2013 at 23:26, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 13:58 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > Frankly, I've had enough of this crap, and I think a lot of others have
> > too. I would like to formally propose that we permanently ban him from
> > devel@, and possibly other lists as well, at least high profile ones. I
> > would be happy to see him kicked out of the project entirely, but I
> > thought a more limited proposal would be better.
> Let's broaden it to at least devel@ and users at . I'm told he posts on
> users@ and is, if anything, worse than on devel at . That seems even more
> damaging, as users@ is a very 'public-facing' list.

For the record, he does this on other projects' mailing lists as well.
x264 and RPMFusion are examples.

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        -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"

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