Request: ban Harald Reindl from devel@

Mark Terranova Markdude at
Thu May 23 14:58:28 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Dan Mashal <dan.mashal at> wrote:

> On 05/23/2013 08:38 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 08:29 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
>>>> No matter how you look at it, the cost of successfully banning an
>>>> individual in the project will eventually come with the hefty price on
>>>> joining.
>>> Unless I am misreading the title of the thread, I believe the request is
>>> not to be someone from the project, just from the mailing lists.
> Hi,
> Johann, I am one of those people that can be called an asshole or a
> douchebag at times, but I always can be called human. I can also be called
> a contributor, ambassador, QA bugzapper and packager. In addition the human
> emotion of annoyance in me wants this thread to be moderated.
> There is an expression you may or may not be familiar with called "Beating
> a dead horse". Stop it.

> I take what a lot of board members say as gospel (most of the time) and
> you should too.
 +1 or at least give some benefit of the doubt

> Herlo made a point. There are elections, if you really care that much,

> run.
> Otherwise drop it. This is not kindergarten. It's a Linux distro.
> Dan
Dan has some controversy as do I and a few others. None of this relates to
this specific thread. There are at least 70 follow ups. People that care
and want to make sure the process is fair and open. The great offense is
not being argumentative, it is crossing the line and CCing  folks directly
off the list. apparently to engage in debate- in a manner that appears to
be very closed.

There is no - you must leave the tribe now- leave for the wilderness. The
tribe has spoken. We are debating limiting his ability to email lists
fairly. Of course he could create another account, but Im willing to guess
it would be easy to figure out. If the word BAN freaks folks out- lets try
*timeout*. We can have a timeframe of 6 months to a year. See how he is
after that, either he will make attempts at getting his message out in
proper way- possibly by folks acting as proxy.

I see people's worries on both sides here, let our process work- its a bit
new. The CWG does not punish- they will look at things and most likely let
board take over after findings. This process is OPEN, let it work.


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