[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Ambassadors meeting notes December 1, 22-23:30 UTC

Alex Maier lxmaier at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 02:37:05 UTC 2005

Next meeting: Thursday December 8, 2005, 14:00 UTC (Thu 09:00 New
York, Thu 15:00 Berlin, Fri 00:00 Brisbane, Thu 19:30 Mumbai)

Attending: lxmaier, barz, GeroldKa, nman64, BobJensen, quaid,
ChitleshGoorah, Sopwith, Riel, tchung

Schedule: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Schedule

Review upcoming events
We need to find people to go to all of the events we can find and to
represent fedora there. At the moment this page lists all events, big
and small. We can add more depth to these pages later, once we are
covering enough events. We need to become disciplined about attending
events first.

If we cannot cover an event, but a new community contributor visits
the website to find out about it. can't he suggest his participation
there? As long as we have a name in the "ambassador" column on the
FedoraEvents page, it does not make a difference whether the person
responsible for running the event is an ambassador. We just need to
make sure to coach them on messaging.

FedoraEvents page
the ambassadors should:
1) update the page
2) send out an alert to ambassadors-list
3) go there and find people to help out
4) just find people to help out, if you can't go yourself

You can add all events, no matter how small, to this list, as long as
you actually GO there. The events that do not have an owner yet need
to be removed from this page to HelpWanted/Events (nman64 will take
care of that). They will remain on this page until they have an owner.
-- nman64

February 14-17, 2006 LWCE Mexico City -- open
will remain open
BobJensen knows a couple fedora users in MC, and will encourage at
least onc of them to join us. Will post any progress on the
ambassadors list.

March 28-30, 2006 LWCE Australia Sydney – barz (tentative)
barz tentative owner, until spoken with jwulf

April 3-6, 2006 LWCE Boston Boston, MA, USA – MatthewMiller (tentative)
will be right before FUDCon Boston 2006
gregdek and lxmaier will be helping whoever volunteers.
MatthewMiller is tentatively assumed to be owner.
tchung will contact Matthew if he's interested in being Fedora
Ambassador or just being team lead for fudcon.

April 19-22, 2006 FISL 7.0 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil --
Rodrigo Padula
7th International Free Software Forum
This if the biggest conference for IT Infrastructure and Developers in
Brazil. Lot of developers communities in this meetings and many
lectures, in 6 auditoriums. In 2005, FISL 6.0 had 4,414 attendees
from11 countries and almost every Brazilian state.
We have 4 Amabassadors in Brazil.
it's obvious this is one conference we really, really need to pay
attention to. much more so than LWCE.
Rodrigo Padula will go. Barz and Co are currently finalizing the
proposal for the presentation. Not sure if any other ambassadors did
this, but RP has already put his name as presenter.
quaid: IMNSHO, Red Hat should fly in a prominent Fedora somebody,
maybe one who speaks localeze? lxo or riel come to mind
riel is sitting next to lxmaier and he says it's tempting.

riel entered the room.
riel: since you were talking about me ... ;)
riel: for the record, I agree that FISL is an important conference.
the last one I was at had about 6000 attendees. all going to the
conference tracks. the trade show was absolutely minimal.

Schwag pipeline – lxmaier
Need to make sure that the schwag pipeline is functional. This is
separate from the actual stuff we send; this is just making sure that
the stuff we send
actually gets to the places it needs to go.
this one will need to stay with lxmaier for a while, because she is
figuring out a fulfillment channel for us. lxmaier requested a quote
and should have it in about a week. will keep ambassadors posted when
something happens.

Business cards -- lxmaier
We need business cards for Fedora Ambassadors.
That is our +1 need. Even though the logo is still with legal, we can
begin thinking about this and prepare the layout so that we can print
them right away
we are working on these and will be ready to go soon. lxmaier will keep posted.

Email addresses at fedoraproject.org -- Sopwith
Seth and Elliot are working on a good way to streamline this process
and make it part of the account system and/or the wiki, but we need to
keep up with it here
Make it like a business card--something that shows you belong. Someone
needs to be accountable for creating criteria, process, and joining
that with Sopwith's tools
The changes needed are on Seth's end mainly, but coordinating that is
important, too.
*ALL* ambassadors should get official fedoraproject.org email address,
along with other contributors.
Email is cheap to provide, and does have a nice status, it -is- the
calling card of the Web
It just needs action by seth, which Sopwith continues to prod for, but
don't expect to happen RSN. There's not much we can do without Seth -
it's his computer system and nobody else has the access or knowledge
necessary. quaid will sidebar the discussion with Sopwith about
getting someone to help Seth.

Standard Ambassadors kit -- BobJensen
We need a standard "kit" for all Ambassadors; DVDs, promotional
materials, and schwag. We need to figure out what the kit will contain
and such.
BobJensen is willing to help with this

Presentations for Ambassadors -- BobJensen
We need to provide Ambassadors with some slide decks for various
presentations. We should probably aggregate the ones we already have
and make them available. We should also figure out our policy for
licensing these presentations!
Presentations layout and Demos: ambassadors should have the graphical
interface similar to the screenshots made by osdirs for fc while
presenting publicly, just as with documentation. In the documentation
project it is outlined what the desktop should look like. If you are
presenting publicly, you might just create a user "demo" on your
machine, make it look standard, and use this profile for all public
demos and presentations.
BobJensen will get some stuff pulled together from the Docs Project
example before next week

Funding for attendance – lxmaier
We will continue to discuss fundraising options for shows.
We have about 3000 for the coming quarter, so we will be able to spend
some of this money on flying ppl around. We might not be always able
to cover 100% of your
cost, but we'll try and do our best.
lxmaier is doing some reading up on the non-profit fundraising and
will begin a thread on the ambassadors list. Everybody will research
their local guidelines and post it to
the list, so that we can be sure to be legal and not get the
foundation in trouble.
Please research local laws and post to the list.
New content on Fedora Project page!

Fedora Ambassadors

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