[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Is the Marketing brain dump adapted to Ambassadors questions ?

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 09:52:31 UTC 2005

> Following my previous mail, I am wondering if the Marketing brain dump would not be a better place to put question from Ambassadors who are not be able to talk via IRC to ask their questions or share their opinions.
> Or maybe we should create the same rubric for Abassadors ?

Hello everyone,

Hornain, maybe I have a solution to your problem.

Here is my story. I live in a hostel. I was able to connect to any irc
servers, use webcam and also msn on gaim/kopete. Then a mere student
in biology ( I named him Mr X )of my hostel was appointed the task to
just troublshoot any problems encountered by the residents. He is only
a mere student like me in the hostel.

As I move away from windows, I told him and my group of friends how FC
is stable and a great distro. I shared with them my day-to-day
experience with fedora. I showed Mr. X superkaramba, transparency on
kde, metisse, 3Ddesktop, and lots of nice stuffs that can't be found
under windows. Sometimes (in the past, not now anymore) I did help the
residents to troubleshoot their windows. Mr. X was kind of jealous
because the residents preferred to come to me rather that going to ask
him to. The behaviour of Mr. X towards has changed since. It's been
more than a year I've wiped off my windows.

Afterwards the company responsible to provide computer services to the
hostel came and blocked all access to p2p. We were still able to
connect to irc servers. The following is what my girlfriend and I
think.(but we are sure about it) Mr. X. managed to do some research
and blocked access to msn-servers with gaim. Now I can't access
msn-servers with gaim/kopete. Noone (even those who uses windows) can
use their webcam to communicate. He can't undo what he did. Because of
a mere lamer who just wants to make my experience with my FC bitter, i
can't use gaim/kopete, irc, webcam, cvs, creating my own webserver.

Based on this, its just a personal thing between him and me. Since I
didn't SIGNED anything about any policies and even heard any verbal
announcement, I use http://www.vengefuldeath.com/cgi-bin/irc.cgi
to connect to irc.freenode.net

Coming to what Sett Vidal said,
>If there are policies in place at your place of work to restrict access
>to irc then I do not think it is an act of good faith for the fedora
>project to provide you with a mechanism to circumvent those policies
>and/or break those rules.

I'm not circumvent any policies.

But I agree with Sett Vidal if anyone of connecting to irc is
forbiddened where they connect, then it is not in good faith towards
fedora core.

Chitlesh GOORAH

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