Fwd: [Ambassadors] Need team for National level annual technical symposium, India.

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sun Dec 24 03:22:06 UTC 2006

Susmit Shannigrahi wrote:

> I want to know how do we get involved in some event without depending 
> too much on presentation.
> What should  there be excepts demos and presentations?
> I means what are the ways to get involved ?
> I can understand that if better if you can give one or two examples how 
> we participated
> in previous events (Presentation and demos are ok..But what beyond that?)

* Demonstrate/show off cool features. Keep the talk interesting and dont 
just read off slides but use them as hints to guide yourself and the 
audience. You can reuse and derive from 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations. Anecdotes, stories, 
personal experiences (How and why you got involved, What has been 
interesting?), humor etc that fit into the context help. Get them 
interested in Fedora and Free software.

* Engage the audience. Call the audience to participate and do a task. 
Ask questions, hand out shwag. Remember to keep track of time and stay 
on topic. Offer to discuss other questions off stage.

* Demonstrate a Live CD and hand them a few. 

* Explain to students what the benefits of Free and open source software
and how Fedora fits into this experience.

* Walk them through a set of a steps on contributing. Encourage that. 
Point out http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HelpWanted

For students, the breadth of technology and the wide variety of choices 
with the ability to use and contribute in a transparent fashion with 
complete source code would be interesting. Might consider talking to 
professors about getting their students involved in real life Free and 
open source software projects.


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