[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Ambassadors Meeting Minutes on 2006-01-19

Thomas Chung tchung at fedora.redhat.com
Fri Jan 20 03:15:38 UTC 2006

== Present ==

 * AlexMaier (lxmaier)
 * AurelienBompard (abompard)
 * ChitleshGoorah
 * GeroldKassube (GeroldKa)
 * DavidBarzilay (barz)
 * FrancescoUgolini
 * BobJensen
 * MauricioPretto
 * ThomasChung (tchung)
 * iWolf (?)
 * ThorstenLeemhuis (thl)
 * GregDeKoenigsberg (gregdek)
 * MikaelJacobsson (maikaru)
 * RobertWhetsel (rwhetsel)

== Review upcoming events ==


 * Solutions Linux 2006 (Jan 31-Feb 2) in Paris, France:
   - can't have a booth but I'll be there one day only (last day)
   - I can give papers and dvds to friends in the lug
   - you will receive 75 Ts and 150 DVDs
   - it will be 25 Ts and 50 dvds a day to distribute
   - these are all Ts with old logo
   - have the others take pictures of the event

 * GNUify (Feb 4-5) in Pune, India:
   RahulSundaram is not present

 * Linux Asia 2006 (Feb 8-10) in New Delhi India:
   RahulSundaram is not present
   SankarshanMukhopadhyay is not present
   - a package for this event as well and it will go out to SatishMohan
   - we have divided up all the tshirts and DVDs we had among four events
   - linuxAsia, Solutions Linux, FOSDEM, and SCALE 4X
   - we will have more goodies when the new quarter comes (March 1)

 * SCALE 4X (Feb 11-12) in Los Angeles, CA
   ThomasChung is late for report but GregDeKoenigsberg sent him the package via FedEx.

 * NOTE on donation or fund-raising at the Event:
   - everybody--before we have finished the foundation's legal details, please DO NOT
   - no fund-raising, at all, not until we have some kind of status
   - if someone offers to buy you pizza, feel free to accept, but no money

 * FOSDEM (Feb 25-26) in Brussel, Belgium:
   FredericHornain is not present
   - we have sent a care package to hornain too
   - 75 Ts and 150 DVDs

 * LWCE Australia (Mar 28-30) in Sydney, Australia:
   - jwulf and another local enthusiast will check their availability
   - will let u know via email
   - we have no more DVDs for this one, but hope to have FC5 until then
   - we'll have to improvise, maybe burn DVDs on site or something
   - we can produce Ts and other schwag as soon as we have the new quarter

== Fedora Libraries ==

  - this is a project of ubuntu that Im going to copy :)
  - the idea is to give libraries dvds and the latter will lend them like books
  - afterwards they can give a try to Fedora and copy the dvd etc
  - but to be honest this will be mostly done by lugs
  - ambassadors or members of the lugs can give a small intro about fedora

  - we have not found maintainer for LiveCD project yet.
  - We posted a call for maintainer for LiveCD project twice in FWN

== LinuxTag and FUDCon ==

  - Is there a FUDCon in LinuxTag (Wiesbaden,Germany) ?
  - I haven't done anything till now

  - please get in touch with LinuxTag and reserve a booth for fedora
  - we will try to have a FUDCon there too
  - FUDCon being at the event with a booth in the .ORG area is essential

  - we are allowed to have 3-4 FUDCons in a year
  - we are planning to have it in LinuxAsia, LinuxTag and LinuxWorld (Boston)

== Schwag pipepline ==

 - Right now, there *is* *no* *pipeline*.  There is *me* and *Alex*.
 - We're working to famsco. We're working that plan

== Email Aliases for fedoraproject.org ==

 Thomas Chung
 - email aliases issue can be moved to closed issues
 - everyone in Ambassadors should sign up in Fedora Account System in order to get email
 - this issue has been moved to closed issues

== Funding Options for Show ==

 - we can come up with some creative funding ways
 - we gotta establish some boundaries for possible partnerships

== Presentations for Ambassadors ==

 - we already got some presentations in fedoraproject.org
 - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Slides
 - we could have a few default models, i.e. for schools and universities, another for
gov agencies

 - has been working on localizing an FC presentation to Brazilian Portuguese
 - we should have one about the FEDORA CORE, other about fedora foundation, FDS, Fedora
Cluster Suite

 - will work on localizing an FC presentation for Italian market

== Standard Kits for Ambassadors ==

 - We need a banner for Fedora Project for an event
 - Fedora mouse pads? Fedora pens?

 - need to be light (as in weight) and flexible material
 - gotta check costs
 - gotta be durable
 - can you get us some quotes on different materials

 - Fedora pins? Fedora LiveCDs?

== Business Cards for Ambassadors ==

 - We should have some space on it for the GPG fingerprint
 - they could be used in keysigning parties too

 - Removed Business Card option #4 since its color is not official
 - we should have an option to print them ourselves
 - will count the votes for biz card options from archive and irc
 - will send out meeting minutes if someone send me a full IRC log

 - Time to check list archive and make a decision on the votes
 - bus cards are a crucial material and i believe we cannot take much longer
 - talk to our graphic designer about these
 - standard dimension for the paper? color specifications?  printer technologies?
 - please count the votes for biz card options in the archive and post'em to the list

== Next Meeting ==

 * 2006-01-26 22:00 UTC
 * See World Time at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings

Thomas Chung

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