[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Re: Some words from your beloved Swedish Ambassador!

Mikael Jacobsson info at kampnytt.com
Fri Jan 27 18:08:20 UTC 2006

Hi David

>>Local websites are a great initiative, Mikael! Probably one of the best
>>ways to bridge the gap in between English-speakers and only-native-
>>language speakers.

>>You can also make Fedora more accessible to newbies by providing them
>>with easy-to-understand concepts and usage guidelines.

>>Remember, not everyone is as geeky (no offense here) as you.

I have plans on translating most of the documents on fedora.redhat.com
website, with the installation guide as the first one out... Other
documents and so on relating to Linux in general will also be
available... i have registered a channel on freenode, and a forum will
be up soon... This is some of the content planned....

>>That's also great! BTW, does your community have an FC4 Install Guide in
>>Swedish? I believe that's the one document to start fomenting FC usage
>>among average computer users.

See above...

>>Glad to hear it. I hope we are able to provide you with all support you
>>need. If not, please let us know.

Yes the support is great... get lots of it at #fedora-mktg

>>Ask them if they'd like to write an article on FC5. Great opportunity to
>>expose the new release and also to recruit more contributors for the
>>various FC sub-projects ;))

I will look into it, and see if they want to do that...

>>As we got a very restricted budget, try to save whenever and wherever
>>you can i.e. finding local accommodation at friends places, low fares,
>>sharing booths with lugs and other open source projects...

A lot of big events takes place in Gothenburg and those shouldn't be any
problems. I have relatives living there. And the cost for train isnt
that much.
The worst one is when events are in Stockholm, there i dont know anyone
and its expensive to go there because i live so far from that town.


Mikael Jacobsson

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