[Ambassadors] FLISOL2007 Caracas - Venezuela Event Report

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Wed May 2 02:33:56 UTC 2007

On 5/1/07, "Guillermo Gómez S." <guillermo.gomez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Flisol Venezuela/Caracas celebrated at april 28th in Ince Caracas/Venezuela was visited by 1500 approx. during the day it last.
> Fedora Venezuela was present with three speeches/presentations made by its representatives in the provided auditorium which holded around 200 people plus some outside people (maybe 100 more) viewing with the help of large tv monitors.
> The whole program of speakers was recorded by some local TV organizations (Colombeia).
> The first conference was made by Guillermo Gomez who talked about Fedora and Fedora Venezuela and focused his speech towards the free software and its principles and ethics.
> Guillermo defended Fedora from a 100% free sw point of view with no acceptance of deviations and demonstrated how Fedora is leading the way on this regard.
> This speech was changed at last time since previous speakers were missleading the people. Guillermo decided to switch its regular presentation to a reflexive speech explaining and asking the people to understand what free sw means and why we do not include support for propierarty codecs for example, and to ask people to be responsible ethically with sw selection and why this matters.
> This speech was very well accepted and greatly rewarded by the people. Some people went to Fedora boot afterwards to talk to us about it.
> Walter Cervini made a second presentation in the afternoon, a technical one, regarding security, iptables, tcp-wrappers and selinux and how they are integrated in Fedora.
> The last speech was conducted by Wilmer Jaramillo who also made a technical presentation about Fedora Directory Server and its relevance on the migration plans in the government dependencies.
> By Fedora Venezuela we had a Maria Leandro and Richzendy Contreras helping in our stand giving away DVDs and helping people to install Fedora on theris machines.
> They also provided people with flyers (about 500) and small lectures about Fedora.
> We gave away 80 DVDs and we were really short, DVDs from Freemedia program didnt make it so we built a list with interested people in order to deliver them a copy.
> Rodrigo de Padula provided the mentioned 80 DVDs. We believe this is the true starting point for our freemedia program (stalled previously).
> In general we believe the event was a major success for the whole FOSS community in our country and the region and of course, for Fedora.
> Press notes (spanish):
> =============
> http://www.fedora-ve.org/content/view/187/77/
> http://www.ince.gov.ve/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=232&Itemid=43
> Event pictures:
> ===============
> http://www.fedora-ve.org/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,71/catid,10/
> Fedora Venezuel:
> ===============
> http://www.fedora-ve.org
> This report was made in collaboration between Wilmer Jaramillo and myself.

Thank you for the Event Report.
I'll submit to FWN.
Thomas Chung

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