[Ambassadors] North and South America IRC Meeting Log - 2008-06-02

Jeffrey Tadlock linux at elfshadow.net
Tue Jun 3 02:16:21 UTC 2008

The North and South America IRC meeting was held today.  The IRC
meeting log is below.

=== LOG ===
16:02 < iWolf> Anyone here for the North America and South America meeting?
16:02 < ahoffsta> me
16:02 < pcalarco> yes
16:02 -!- cyberpear
[n=cyberpea at pool-71-178-37-235.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined
16:03  * spevack
16:03 < iWolf> Let's wait another few minutes to see if more folks arrive.
16:03 < gotencool> yes
16:03 < ahoffsta> ok
16:05  * gregdek hullos
16:06 < iWolf> Let's roll with what we have.  Please state your name
for roll call.
16:06 < gregdek> GregDeKoenigsberg
16:06 < pcalarco> PascalCalarco
16:06 < iWolf> JeffreyTadlock
16:06 < ahoffsta> ArturoHoffstadt
16:06 < iWolf> gregdek: can you fill in for me if $dayjob pulls me away?
16:06 < gregdek> iWolf: You bet.
16:06 < iWolf> We'll follow the agenda here:
16:07 < svbrand> SvenVonbrand
16:07 < iWolf> gregdek: thanks!
16:07 < iWolf> Okay, first up FAmSCo news.
16:07 < iWolf> I can cover that.
16:07 < iWolf> Our main period of release parties is wrapping up.  We
saw a lot of great party reports from all over.
16:08 < gotencool> EduardoVillagran
16:08 < iWolf> So that seems to have been a good success.
16:08 -!- wolfy [n=lonewolf at fedora/wolfy] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:08 < iWolf> This week we will be determining the contest winner for
the laptop bag and announce that later this week if all goes well.
16:08 < iWolf> We have also wrapped up working on teh budget for Q2.
16:09  * iWolf looks for a link to the budget.  Any question while I dig it up?
16:09  * gregdek waits patiently.
16:09 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has quit ["Au revoir...."]
16:10 -!- inode0 [n=inode0 at fedora/inode0] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:10 < iWolf> here is a link:
16:10 < iWolf> we don't have it broken down for the regions yet in Q2,
but you can see the total amount.
16:11 -!- couf [n=bart at fedora/couf] has quit ["leaving"]
16:11 < iWolf> Any questions on FAmSCo news before we get to Events?
16:12 < gregdek> ?
16:12 < pcalarco> !
16:12 < iWolf> gregdek:
16:12 < gregdek> I'm guessing that if we see a $15k budget line,
that's about $5k available for NA/SA events.
16:12 < gregdek> Should we all see fit to use it.  :)
16:12 < gregdek> eof
16:13 < iWolf> gregdek: yes, I believe that is about how it worked out.
16:13 < gregdek> OK.
16:14 < iWolf> I have the spreadsheet we worked off, but I am not sure
it is the most current.
16:14 < iWolf> In that ballpark though.
16:14 < iWolf> pcalarco:
16:14 < pcalarco> There is an initial charge for $50 related to the
Fedora polo, but I am assuming that this could be requested out of
Event funds?
16:15 < iWolf> pcalarco: the way to spend the event money is largely
left to the organizers of the event, with the idea being they decide
how the money is best spent.
16:15 < iWolf> The results of which we see through the event reports.
16:15 -!- viking-ice_
[n=johannbg at 157-157-37-227.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is] has joined
16:16 < iWolf> I *think* emea pays for their own polos though, out of pocket?
16:16 < iWolf> I am not certain of that.
16:16 < petreu> yes they are
16:16 < iWolf> petreu: thanks!
16:17 < iWolf> We can cover polos more later on the agenda.
16:17 < pcalarco> Yes, they should but there is an initial $50 charge
for the embroidery that I am hoping can be covered by the project; in
any case we can discuss when we get to that item in the agenda
16:17 < pcalarco> eof
16:17  * gregdek thinks we can cover that.
16:18 < iWolf> pcalarco: ah - that might be possible to work in, the
initial fee.
16:18 < iWolf> The Fedora Events page is here:
16:18 < pcalarco> thx. eof
16:19 < iWolf> It looks like we have 3 SA events this quarter.
16:19 < iWolf> and 7 NA events.
16:19 < iWolf> rather than cover each event here, is there anyone here
that is organizing or attending one of the events listed?
16:19 < pcalarco> !
16:19 < iWolf> and bring us up to speed on the details.
16:19 < iWolf> pcalarco:
16:20 < pcalarco> I plan to attend Ohio LinuxFest and can help with
any Fedora activities there
16:20 < gregdek> pcalarco: Nice!  Where are you based?
16:20 -!- wolfy [n=lonewolf at fedora/wolfy] has left #fedora-meeting
["Did you ever notice that when a politician does get an idea he
usually gets it all wrong."]
16:20 < pcalarco> South Bend, IN
16:21  * gregdek woos!
16:21 < iWolf> pcalarco: great!  I will get to meet you there!
16:21 < pcalarco> Wonderful!
16:21 < quaid> !
16:21 < iWolf> quaid:
16:21 < quaid> KarstenWade btw, coming in a bit later
16:21 < quaid> I need to add an event for 4 July in NA, FYI
16:22 < iWolf> quaid: which one is that?  it's on the 4th?
16:22 < quaid> yes
16:22 < quaid> http://faq.fixedbylinux.com-a.googlepages.com/lindependence2008-bringinglinuxtothemass
16:23 < iWolf> oh yeah, I remember seeing that one floating around.
16:23 < quaid> Lindependencd 2008; mountain town 10 km from me are
switching to Linux for the week, a few businesses, etc.
16:23 < quaid> I just learned about it and got hooked up with Larry,
who just joined Ambassadors
16:23 < iWolf> awesome!  so we do have it covered people wise?
16:24 < quaid> I think so, so far, and for who is in the area
16:24 < quaid> larry has been organising, I'm trying to see if we can
fit in a Fedora sponsorship
16:24 < quaid> (whatever that means :)
16:24 < gregdek> For $100?  I would think si.  :)
16:25 < quaid> it's going to be much more do than talk, so e.g.
speaking engagements won't be much, but I intend to be there all over
the place
16:25 < quaid> I'll put up details and start working on the details
via mailing list
16:25 < quaid> eof
16:25 < iWolf> quaid: yeah, add it to the page and i imagine there is
some slush fund for it.  Our CFO is crafty that way.  :)
16:25 < quaid> iWolf: :)
16:26 < iWolf> Any other events we should cover by people here?
16:26 < jds2001> have we yet talked about staffing plans for Summit/FUDCon
16:26 -!- J5_ [n=quintice at nat/redhat-us/x-75cc1d115f2a8a46] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
16:26  * jds2001 getting in late
16:26 -!- nehal [n=root at] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:27 < iWolf> jds2001: I didn't have that on my agenda - i assumed
the community guys were handling that piece?
16:27 -!- nehal is now known as Guest61584
16:27 < gregdek> afaict, Paul and Max have that covered.  But it's
unclear to me.
16:27 < gregdek> spevack: ?
16:27 < spevack> uh
16:27  * spevack reads
16:28 < spevack> there will be a general information/registration booth
16:28 < spevack> at the summit
16:28 < spevack> that will need some staffing
16:28 < spevack> informally
16:28 < quaid> lxmaier?
16:28 < spevack> there's one or two redhatters who have volunteered, like alex
16:28 < spevack> exactly
16:28 < spevack> but we probably ought to make a simple "fudcon info
booth volunteer list" on the wiki and let people take 1 hour shifts or
16:29 < spevack> the most important will be in the mornings
16:29 < spevack> especially the first morning.
16:29 < jds2001> i was more thinking about the booth on the exhibit
floor, but anything's good
16:29 < spevack> I'm sure i'll be in that area the first morning myself
16:29 < gregdek> When does FUDCon open?  Wednesday or Thursday?
16:29 < spevack> jds2001: that too!
16:29  * jds2001 will be around for the Summit
16:29 < spevack> thursday
16:30 < quaid> smooge said he'd work the booth, iirc
16:30 < gregdek> Who gets the wiki page?
16:30 < gregdek> i.e. who gets the duty of editing and maintaining the
wiki page for handling staffing?
16:31 < jds2001> the Summit doesn't leave one with a ton of spare
time, but what time I have I'll be at the booth :)
16:31 < jds2001> or wherever else is required :)
16:31 -!- cyberpear
[n=cyberpea at pool-71-178-37-235.washdc.east.verizon.net] has quit []
16:32 < iWolf> solicit a call to the mailing lists?
16:32  * gregdek isn't even sure what "booth duty" is required.
16:32 < quaid> gregdek: there are some open floor times
16:32 < quaid> we should have those covered
16:32 < gregdek> Well...
16:33 < quaid> the exhibit hall might be closed during other times anyway
16:33  * gregdek thinks.
16:33 < gregdek> Do we have anyone whose job it is to just greet
people and answer their questions?
16:33 < gregdek> Even when "events" are going on?
16:33 < quaid> and we can't guarantee an EXHIBITOR badge for all
volunteers, so I would only plan staffing for the open times
16:33 < quaid> info booth?
16:33 < gregdek> Yeah, kinda.
16:33  * gregdek is frankly confused about the Thursday/Friday FUDCon plans.
16:33  * gregdek also wonders if we should take it offline.
16:34 < jds2001> offline to where?
16:34 < jds2001> I agree this is likely not the best place, but where is?
16:34 < gregdek> Mailing list?
16:34 < iWolf> If its a typical Fedora booth at an event the
Ambassadors m-l would be a good place?
16:35 < gregdek> +1
16:35 < jds2001> +1
16:35 < pcalarco> +1
16:35 < iWolf> so... who will start the dialog on the mailing list?
16:35 < iWolf> :)
16:35  * quaid votes for Paul or Max, the event "owners"
16:35  * jds2001 volunteers spevack
16:36 < jds2001> :)
16:36 < iWolf> +1  - just because I am not familiar enough with the
need at the moment.
16:36 < quaid> I bet Paul comes back from LinuxTAG all fired up for
how to do events :)
16:36 < spevack> if someone wants me to do something, i will.
16:36 < spevack> gregdek: i understand the thu/fri
16:36 < spevack> i can explain here
16:36 < quaid> iWolf: yes, it's a bit complex with the Summit interweaving
16:36 < spevack> in a minute
16:36  * spevack is making an Important Point in websites meeting ;)
16:36 < gregdek> We'll come back to it.  :)
16:36 -!- Guest61584 [n=root at] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
16:36 < gregdek> Or spevack, just tell the list.
16:37 < iWolf> spevack: just jump in when you have a momennt and we'll move on.
16:37 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
16:37 < iWolf> any other events that we should discuss with the people
present before moving on?
16:37 < gregdek> Are there no SA event owners here?
16:37 < gregdek> *crickets*
16:38 -!- fbijlsma [n=fbijlsma at p4FDC52AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
16:38  * gregdek makes some notes for a post-meeting email.  :)
16:38 < iWolf> i don't see Rodrigo.
16:38 < iWolf> he has 2 of the 3 SA events.
16:39 < gregdek> I'll ping him offline.
16:39 < iWolf> gregdek: sounds good.
16:39  * spevack is back
16:39 < gregdek> I'm sure he's got details.
16:39 < iWolf> spevack: go ahead, we were just getting set to move to
the next item - so a good spot for you.
16:39 < spevack> ok
16:39 < spevack> Saturday is your standard FUDCon Bar Camp
16:39 < spevack> Thursday and fRiday, envision like this:
16:40 < spevack> in the "exhibition hall" of the convention center
16:40 < spevack> is space for all sorts of RH partners and whatever to
have little booth
16:40 < spevack> fedora will have a booth there
16:40 < spevack> our goal being to drive people to fudcon
16:40 < spevack> which is off in its own little area
16:40 < spevack> once you get to the fudcon area
16:40 < spevack> there's an information table
16:40 < spevack> and there's a couple of rooms.
16:40 < spevack> one room will have the setup for lightning talks
16:41 < spevack> and Jim Whitehurst is going to speak for like 30
minutes to FUDcon at some point -- paul knows exactly when that is.
16:41 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:41 < spevack> the other spaces are like a normal FUDCon hackfest.
16:41 < spevack> we've got circular tables
16:41 < spevack> portable white boards
16:41 < spevack> wireless
16:41 < spevack> all that stuff
16:41 < spevack> and those are our hackfest days
16:41 < gregdek> spevack: Jim will speak Sat, or Thu/Fri?
16:41 < spevack> either thu or fri
16:41 < spevack> other than our Fearless Leader, we don't really have
a Bar Camp keynote
16:42 < gregdek> OK.  We need to firm that up offline, b/c I've got
some stuff I want to get done on those days.
16:42  * spevack gets to watch this one from the peanut gallery :)
16:42 < gregdek> Paul is point on all this?
16:42 < jeremy> spevack: are you even going to be in the us for it? :)
16:42 < spevack> yeah, i will!
16:42 < jeremy> hrmph
16:42 < spevack> Paul is logistical point.
16:42  * jeremy makes a note to talk to INS ;-)
16:42 < spevack> but the flow is really quite similar to past fudcons
16:42 < jds2001> release the hounds!
16:43 < spevack> gregdek: you ought to be able to reserve a section of a room
16:43 < spevack> for a full day
16:43 < gregdek> I'll take it offline.  :)
16:43 < spevack> and make it your space for the Important Topic About
Which We Have Spoken :)
16:43  * spevack is done, unless there are any other fudcon questions
16:44  * iWolf waits for other questions on fudcon before moving on
16:44  * gregdek is done
16:44 < gregdek> (and has to leave in about 10m)
16:44 < iWolf> okay, moving on.
16:44 < iWolf> next is material request tracker.
16:44 -!- rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
16:45 < iWolf> most of that is done via budget and the event organizer
sorting things out with the money assigned.
16:45 < iWolf> so I think we can skip that item.
16:45 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
16:45 < iWolf> Ambassador membership verification.
16:45 < iWolf> not a lot to report here - Fabian has enlisted some
help and is processing the new ambassador queue.
16:45 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:46 < iWolf> F8 and F9 media is on the list.
16:46 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
16:46 < iWolf> I think that is a left over from FISL.
16:46 < iWolf> so... the last item is Ambassador polos for NA and SA.
16:46 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:46 < pcalarco> I have an update on that
16:46 < iWolf> pcalarco: has been working on this some I believe.
16:47 < iWolf> ah!
16:47 < iWolf> pcalarco:
16:47 < pcalarco> I have enough for about 10 polos @ $22.05 plus shipping
16:47 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
16:47 -!- tibbs [n=tibbs at fedora/tibbs] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
16:47 < pcalarco> there is a one-time $50 charge for the initial embrodery setup
16:47 -!- petreu [n=peter at fedora/Standby] has quit ["( www.nnscript.de
:: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )"]
16:47 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:47 < pcalarco> but then we can go back to the vendor to order more
16:48 < iWolf> pcalarco: when you say enough, as in you have received
interest from 10 people?
16:48 < pcalarco> polo is at
16:48 < pcalarco> French Blue is the color
16:48 < gregdek> Nice.
16:48 < pcalarco> I have expressed interest from: Grady Laksmono, John
Rose, Jason Fenner, Brian Powell, inode, Pascal Calarco
16:49 < pcalarco> likely: Jeffrey Tadlock, Rashadul Islam
16:49 < pcalarco> as well
16:49 < pcalarco> some of the folk above want more than one shirt
16:49 < jds2001> pcalarco: count me in :)
16:49 < iWolf> pcalarco: great!  awesome work on taking on this task!
16:49  * quaid too
16:49 < pcalarco> ok, please send me your name and address to pcalarco at nd.edu
16:50 < pcalarco> and I will add you to the list.
16:50 < iWolf> pcalarco: we might want a reminder email to the list
again, and I have a few folks local who might want one as well.
16:50 < inode0> !
16:50 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui at cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
16:50 < iWolf> inode0:
16:50 < pcalarco> I will send out one more call for shirts and then
get the ordering started
16:50 < ahoffsta> ?
16:50 < inode0> pcalarco: do you know I seem to be on your list twice?
16:50 < pcalarco> I can cover the initial $50 cost, but it would be
great if this could be reimbursed
16:51 < pcalarco> Folks will cover the cost of the shirts themselves
16:51 < gregdek> We can figure that out.
16:51  * gregdek has to run... does someone have minutes?
16:51 < iWolf> gregdek: I have a log.
16:51 < pcalarco> ah, ok inode -- you are JohnRose?
16:51 < inode0> Let's just split it up among the first run buyers and
be done with it?
16:52 < iWolf> pcalarco: i think we can sort out the $50
16:52 < iWolf> ahoffsta:
16:52 < ahoffsta> pcalarco: do you have the shipping costs for SA
(Chile)?, it may be cheaper for us to make the polos @ our country.
16:52 < pcalarco> yeah we can do that
16:52  * iWolf has to look at a $dayjob issue - back in a moment or two
16:52 < inode0> JohnRose is late but here
16:52 < pcalarco> I believe it would be best to have a supplier for
USA & Canada and then a separate one for SA, yes
16:53 < jds2001> yeah, if we have 10 interested and split the $50
amongst ourselves, that's $5 each
16:53 < gregdek> ahoffsta: I agree.
16:53 < ahoffsta> ok (we will try to find a suplier in Chile)
16:53 < pcalarco> ok, I will proceed with that
16:53 < pcalarco> that's all I have to report on this
16:54  * gregdek says so long, thanks everybody
16:54 < pcalarco> eof
16:55  * iWolf is back
16:55 < iWolf> I think that wraps it up!
16:56 < iWolf> Anyone have anything to add in these last few minutes?
16:56 < ahoffsta> !
16:56 < iWolf> ahoffsta:
16:57 < ahoffsta> About the wiki migration, I have found some pages
that have many broken links, and missing attachments. I have contacted
some people, but we carefull with your wiki pages.
16:57 < ahoffsta> eof
16:57 < iWolf> ahoffsta: thanks for the reminder!  We did have a wiki
migration item on the agenda to.
16:58 < iWolf> and a good note for folks - double check your wiki
pages to make sure the links and attachments are fine after the
16:58 < iWolf> ahoffsta: thanks!
16:59 < iWolf> if that's it - the meeting will adjourn.....
16:59 < iWolf> </meeting>

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