[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2009-08-18

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 02:45:34 UTC 2009

(08:00:20 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting - Roll Call
(08:01:33 PM) ***sseiersen is here
(08:02:01 PM) crossbytes: crossbytes is here
(08:02:16 PM) inode0: congratulations crossbytes!
(08:02:23 PM) ***sseiersen wonders where everyone is...
(08:02:36 PM) inode0: you are going to have a blast in Toronto
(08:02:50 PM) dthomasdigital: here
(08:03:02 PM) crossbytes: thank you inode0
(08:03:27 PM) inode0: a cold winter blast, but  :)
(08:03:52 PM) sseiersen: okey dokie
(08:04:04 PM) sseiersen: About 5 more mins for everyone to come?
(08:04:13 PM) ***djf_jeff is here
(08:04:18 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting - Agenda:
(08:05:05 PM) inode0: Your moderator is not feeling well tonight
(08:05:20 PM) sseiersen: Sorry to hear that.
(08:05:53 PM) inode0: Your moderator will not be attending the next
FAmNA meeting on 9/1 - busy setting up a Fedora booth in Chicago that
(08:06:08 PM) inode0: We need a volunteer to run that meeting, really need
(08:06:16 PM) ***sseiersen will do it
(08:06:24 PM) inode0: great
(08:06:54 PM) inode0: we can talk outside the meeting about any
questions you might have
(08:07:17 PM) inode0: any other announcements from anyone?
(08:07:41 PM) sseiersen: anyone?
(08:08:00 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting - Events:
(08:08:25 PM) inode0: StabbyMc who I note is not in attendance put the
Summit on the agenda
(08:08:53 PM) inode0: Let's start with any other events that need
attention in case he shows up
(08:09:09 PM) sseiersen: I think OLF is well covered.
(08:09:19 PM) sseiersen: UTOSC may need some work.
(08:10:27 PM) ***sseiersen sees not that many events to worry about...
(08:10:30 PM) inode0: I think we are sort of in budget limbo for a
spell now waiting for the next quarter's budget to shake out
(08:10:55 PM) ***herlo is here
(08:11:02 PM) sseiersen: herlo welcome
(08:11:05 PM) herlo: hi
(08:11:08 PM) inode0: Since StabbyMc is AWOL, I'll say a few things
about the Summit
(08:11:26 PM) inode0: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Summit_2009
(08:11:44 PM) inode0: If you are going sign up there, especially for
booth time if you can
(08:12:16 PM) inode0: there will be a fedora dinner of some sort on 9/1
(08:12:30 PM) inode0: details aren't firm yet on where or when
(08:12:50 PM) inode0: about 100 lbs of booth supplies have been
shipped to the event
(08:13:10 PM) inode0: the two new retractable banners arrived today
and will be shipped on to Chicago tomorrow
(08:13:50 PM) ***herlo wishes he could go
(08:13:51 PM) inode0: I don't think I have anything else new to report on that
(08:15:39 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting - Budget:
(08:15:48 PM) inode0: we are broke
(08:16:17 PM) ***inode0 notes that was a joke
(08:16:20 PM) dthomasdigital: like everyone else
(08:16:28 PM) ***sseiersen breathes...
(08:17:03 PM) inode0: sometime after max relocates and gets settled he
will join us with budget information I'm sure
(08:17:28 PM) inode0: until then I think we're in limbo
(08:17:49 PM) inode0: although my understanding was that UTOSC
sponsorship would happen in Q3
(08:18:35 PM) inode0: longer term ambassadors should be thinking about
and working on future merchandise
(08:19:05 PM) inode0: we need new people pitching in all the time
(08:19:17 PM) inode0: as soon as we get stuff it goes out the door and
we need more
(08:19:27 PM) dthomasdigital: Did we get pens?
(08:19:34 PM) inode0: we did
(08:19:35 PM) sseiersen: Yes
(08:19:58 PM) inode0: http://rose.public.iastate.edu/pens.jpg
(08:20:07 PM) dthomasdigital: nice
(08:20:07 PM) inode0: I spilled them
(08:20:09 PM) ***herlo has a desire to order more Live Media already
(08:20:25 PM) dthomasdigital: speaking of herlo got all my stuff
(08:20:43 PM) inode0: speaking of pens, we are including them in the
Summit conference bags
(08:21:09 PM) inode0: I have shipped a couple hundred around to the
rest of the regional ambassadors
(08:21:19 PM) inode0: a couple hundred each
(08:21:32 PM) djf_jeff: inode0: where is the Canada love? ;)
(08:21:40 PM) herlo: dthomasdigital: awesome
(08:21:47 PM) inode0: djf_jeff: good question
(08:22:02 PM) djf_jeff: seriously, I wonder how I can help with
merchandise to get it in the hand of Canada Ambassadors?
(08:22:05 PM) inode0: who is our regional shipping agent in Canada? :)
(08:22:17 PM) dthomasdigital: herlo already made a care package and
shipped to eastern New Mexico They are planning a large SFD
(08:22:19 PM) djf_jeff: inode0: you just ask my question ;)
(08:22:44 PM) herlo: dthomasdigital: awesome
(08:22:52 PM) ***herlo will probably do something for SFD too
(08:22:54 PM) djf_jeff: replace ask by answered
(08:23:22 PM) dthomasdigital: We might have 4 events all over the
state this SFD, 3 are confirmed
(08:23:31 PM) ***sseiersen votes we should have an Ambassadors FAD at UTOSC
(08:23:40 PM) inode0: djf_jeff: if you'd like to be it please contact
ke4qqq about how the shipping stuff works and see if we can add you
(08:24:25 PM) inode0: two simultaneous conversations weren't enough?
(08:24:43 PM) ***sseiersen makes it 3
(08:24:44 PM) djf_jeff: inode0: sure that I will do it, I want to ease
the process to get stuff here, thanks for the pointer
(08:24:46 PM) inode0: are we finished with SFD and shipping?
(08:25:03 PM) dthomasdigital: sorry, yes
(08:25:19 PM) inode0: Let's talk about an ambassador FAD then, I have
a few comments on that
(08:25:44 PM) inode0: First, don't just have one to have one
(08:26:04 PM) inode0: FADs should be motivated by work needing to be done
(08:26:09 PM) inode0: Have the work in mind first
(08:26:24 PM) sseiersen: Ambassador kits need to be put together
(08:26:39 PM) inode0: they do?
(08:26:51 PM) sseiersen: I belive so, not sure.
(08:27:19 PM) inode0: ambassador kits are slapped together as needed
by the people shipping them
(08:27:25 PM) sseiersen: hmm
(08:27:42 PM) inode0: given how fast media changes we can't really
make them in advance
(08:27:51 PM) ***sseiersen scratches the FAAD idea off his list...
(08:27:57 PM) inode0: No
(08:28:02 PM) inode0: don't scratch it off
(08:28:20 PM) inode0: Just focus on work first, what can be
accomplished, specific tasks
(08:28:35 PM) sseiersen: Well, I'm sure we'll find something to do
(08:28:41 PM) inode0: Then get the people who can make it happen
together, if they are UTOSC that is great
(08:28:41 PM) sseiersen: Just a idea atm.
(08:29:14 PM) inode0: I really want to discourage the "we'll come up
with something" strategy
(08:29:20 PM) inode0: that part should be first :)
(08:29:52 PM) ***sseiersen has a idea is the loong back of his mind...
(08:29:54 PM) inode0: money is getting tighter, we need to spend it
wisely, have specific and useful work planned out ahead of a FAD
(08:30:17 PM) sseiersen: Campus Ambassdors planning?
(08:30:49 PM) sseiersen: Anyone want to touch on this?
(08:30:54 PM) inode0: FADs at events like UTOSC don't need to cost a
lot, and ambassadors and other contributors can always do stuff when
they get together
(08:31:27 PM) inode0: I'd like to sort of go from one topic to the next
(08:32:39 PM) inode0:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD <-- good to read
while thinking about a FAD
(08:34:04 PM) ***inode0 is done with his FAD organization speech now
... anyone else
(08:34:42 PM) sseiersen: I guess it's open floor since there is nothing else.
(08:34:49 PM) inode0: fine
(08:35:05 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting - Open Floor
(08:35:08 PM) sseiersen: :)
(08:35:28 PM) sseiersen: Anyone got anything?
(08:35:32 PM) dthomasdigital: Just wanted to thank all that got the
fedora 11 disk to me, should make SFD, and NMGLF very nice...thanks
again. My son loved the tattoos
(08:36:38 PM) sseiersen: do te do te do...
(08:36:41 PM) crossbytes: Have some questions about freemedia should I
bring it up here?
(08:36:49 PM) inode0: sseiersen: what about campus ambassadors do you
want to talk about?
(08:36:51 PM) sseiersen: Shoot.
(08:36:59 PM) inode0: crossbytes: let me come back to you
(08:37:05 PM) crossbytes: ok
(08:37:08 PM) sseiersen: inode0 getting it off the ground a bit more
(08:37:20 PM) sseiersen: atm we got 3 ppl.
(08:37:22 PM) inode0: talk isn't making it happen
(08:37:28 PM) inode0: we need action :)
(08:37:39 PM) sseiersen: agrees completely :]
(08:38:18 PM) ***sseiersen needs to put together a good poster for colleges...
(08:38:38 PM) inode0: mchua has joined our cause recently, we need to
give her some time but I am confident she will be a great leader for
getting this moving in the right direction
(08:39:03 PM) inode0: do it!
(08:39:16 PM) sseiersen: :]
(08:39:23 PM) ***sseiersen totally will...
(08:39:32 PM) ***sseiersen boots up Inkscape
(08:40:07 PM) inode0: I'm trying but not being very successful about
getting an announcement out regarding the CA program - nag me about it
but not tonight please :)
(08:40:22 PM) sseiersen: will do.
(08:40:32 PM) inode0: shall we go to freemedia?
(08:40:38 PM) sseiersen: yep
(08:40:41 PM) crossbytes: confusion about out of area requests that r
not through the proper requests form since the form is forwarding the
'requests' to the nearest Ambassador
(08:40:43 PM) inode0: crossbytes: you have the floor
(08:41:06 PM) inode0: yeah, we have very different opinions about those
(08:41:41 PM) inode0: I'm afraid my experience is that the ones I get
are people trying to game the system
(08:41:46 PM) inode0: and I ignore them
(08:42:07 PM) dthomasdigital: I'm ready to send to, but again not sure
of the protocol
(08:42:13 PM) inode0: others think I'm intolerably rude for that
(08:42:27 PM) ***sseiersen is about to organize a dist. day at his school...
(08:42:45 PM) inode0: I don't really want to spend my time responding
to requests from people on other continents for freemedia
(08:43:04 PM) sseiersen: inode0: it ain't rude but necessary.
(08:43:12 PM) crossbytes: I understand .. and agree shouldnt confuse
freemedia with ambassador stuff but the web page is fwoarding
(08:43:22 PM) inode0: and I don't really want to be bothered by people
on my continent trying to avoid going through the normal process
(08:43:59 PM) inode0: yeah, I said why I think that forwarding is bad
(08:43:59 PM) ***sseiersen has a bit of a rough draft of his poster...
(08:44:00 PM) crossbytes: to the nearest ambassador..and i am pretty
sure that some abassados might not even know what the freemedia is
(08:44:12 PM) inode0: they won't
(08:44:23 PM) crossbytes: excuse the spelling...
(08:44:44 PM) inode0: I'm just hoping that by next month it gets
sorted out better
(08:44:50 PM) dthomasdigital: honestly where do you go to even see who
is requesting?
(08:45:01 PM) sseiersen: The Trac.
(08:45:16 PM) sseiersen: https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ <<
(08:45:32 PM) crossbytes: I got a personal request because of the page
saying to contact nearest .. and he contacted me...is the trac open?
(08:45:44 PM) dthomasdigital: Thank you book marked now
(08:45:53 PM) sseiersen: Welcome.
(08:46:21 PM) inode0: https://fedorahosted.org/freemedia/
(08:46:37 PM) crossbytes: sorry should have said request form open?
(08:46:57 PM) inode0: no, it isn't open. if it is someone nearby I'd
just send them what they want if you can
(08:47:23 PM) inode0: normally it opens for a few days at the
beginning of each month
(08:47:36 PM) inode0: they decided to not open it in August
(08:48:14 PM) crossbytes: ok that was all I realy wanted to know...
Ihave been getting a few requests and have been asking them how they
got my e-mail and then go from there if they even answer..
(08:48:16 PM) inode0: so there won't be anything to do until September
unless you get stray requests
(08:48:35 PM) inode0: that seems reasonable
(08:50:00 PM) ***sseiersen belives we're about done...
(08:50:24 PM) inode0: would sseiersen like to do the countdown?
(08:50:35 PM) ***sseiersen would be honored
(08:50:45 PM) sseiersen: 5...
(08:50:46 PM) sseiersen: 4
(08:50:49 PM) sseiersen: 3
(08:50:51 PM) sseiersen: 2
(08:50:53 PM) sseiersen: 1
(08:50:58 PM) sseiersen: #endmeeting
(08:51:03 PM) dthomasdigital: bye all
(08:51:06 PM) inode0: thanks everyone

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