[Ambassadors] Re: Fedora 11: What do we expect?

Felix Kaechele felix at fetzig.org
Sun Feb 1 19:32:40 UTC 2009

Joerg Simon schrieb:

> if it compromise our freedom then it can easy as pie, then we do not want it

Im totally with you. It should be our task to do lobby-work to have more 
and more open standards in the world. This will eventually lead to more 
open source thinking.
However, basically, nowadays people tend to chose solutions that "Just 
Works"(tm) without caring whether it impedes their personal freedom or 
not. While this pretty dumb, people often aren't aware that certain 
things (in this case software) aren't free even if they are free of cost.
I think the Ambassadors should more actively explain the difference 
between gratis and libre [1] to the people.

What I really hate to read is that some people are of the opinion that 
Fedora is not aimed to be an easy-to-use distro. Is this really one goal 
of Fedora _not_ to be that? I find Fedora pretty easy to use. However I 
also think that Fedora has more rough edges than other distros.

Also I don't know in which way it impedes my freedom not to be able to 
choose proprietary software. So it would greatly enhance freedom to 
include some kind of integration of RPMFusion into Fedora. While I would 
always prefer free software over proprietary software there are many 
many people who don't. I experienced that some members of the Fedora 
community pro actively try to hinder people from using proprietary 
software and thus imposing some kind of mindset on them.
I'd rather direct those people to some good literature on open source 
and free software (as opposed to proprietary software) and let them 
think again.


[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gratis_versus_Libre

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