[Ambassadors] APAC ambassadors meeting log. 15th March, 2009, 0300 UTC.

susmit shannigrahi thinklinux.ssh at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 04:27:26 UTC 2009

<azneita> hi susmit
<susmit> hi azneita
<susmit> we start in 2 minutes
* susmit has changed the topic to: APAC ambassadors meeting is now on.
<susmit> Roll Call
<susmit> who is here?
<bhanupatial> Hi i a present
<azneita> Heherson Pagcaliwagan
<bhanupatial> i am*
<susmit> Susmit Shannigrahi
<susmit> and nobody else as usual??
<azneita> your fullname please bhanupatial
<bhanupatial> Bhanu Patial
<azneita> :D, thanks
<bhanupatial> ;)
* inode0 says hi and wishes APAC well
<susmit> inode0, thanks :)
<susmit> azneita, any idea what can be done about this low attendance?
* susmit has none
<azneita> i'm afraid, we need to push on until such time the other
ambassadors find reasson to attend
<susmit> inode0, how much attendance do you get in your meeting?
<inode0> about a year ago there were always getting canceled with no
one showing up
<azneita> just like ours today
<inode0> we re-organized and got 5 people to just get really busy and
it started to take off
<inode0> now normally we get maybe 6-10
<bhanupatial> It's Sunday morning here... many would have enjoyed
Saturday night. it makes tough to wake up
<inode0> even though it seems odd, we starting having them weekly when
no one came
<inode0> so we really did a lot of work at the meetings
<azneita> smaller means more agile :D
<inode0> larger does allow for more input, more a feeling of
belonging, and more people to give tasks to :)
<azneita> so true
<susmit> inode0, like telling someone : hey, you are the volunteer for
this task ;)
<inode0> we had several visible projects we could focus on
<susmit> inode0, like?
<inode0> ambassador kits, event boxes, doing our own swag and media distribution
* aaroncas (n=test at has left #fedora-meeting
<azneita> that sure bring folks together
<inode0> and early on we organized our first ambassador day
<inode0> so lots of planning went into that too
<azneita> ah
<susmit> but the problem is APAC is so vast a region, we can not have
a central FAD, where people can meet up and discuss
<inode0> we have something of that problem too and certainly we didn't
have everyone
<inode0> the hope was to get the people working hard together and draw
in a few new people
<inode0> meeting in person really energized us to carry on
* che (n=che at redhat/che) has joined #fedora-meeting
<bhanupatial> u are right susmit, but there was a time when we use to
join it meetings at 0330 hrs
<susmit> this time was decided only because to serve everyone from
India to Australia.
<azneita> like me
<bhanupatial> friends do we continue today ? as it seems we 4 are here. :(
<azneita> i say continue
<susmit> I am getting inputs from inode0, we can end the meeting though.
<azneita> we're here already anyway
<azneita> we had nothing going since last month
* inode0 is happy to talk with you guys any time
<susmit> the formal meeting is ending for lack of attendance. anything
you want to discuss? We will continue informally
<azneita> let's just make it quick
<susmit> ok...
<azneita> let's go over the agenda first
<azneita> famsco news
<susmit> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Regions
<susmit> the decision was taken by famsco was to replace the current
Ambassador wiki page by pages like this
<azneita> the page was sure slow to load
<susmit> so we can get in touch with most of the people and update it
as necesary
<azneita> i personally like the page
<susmit> this is like a directory of responding people
<susmit> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/India/Regions
<azneita> do we already have one for apac or do we still need somebody
to take that on
<susmit> from the pinging, this is the list I made. These are who replied.
<susmit> Angel has done one for Bangladesh too...
<bhanupatial> looks great
<bhanupatial> i have a question
<azneita> go ahead
<susmit> go on please
<bhanupatial> is this page database driven ? or is auto created ?
<susmit> the Ambassdor country list page will be database driven.
<susmit> This page on the other hand will be manually created
<susmit> with the names of ambassadors who are working and responding.
<inode0> In NA we have ambassadors add themselves indicating they are
willing to be contacted this way
<susmit> oh...ok.
<inode0> we encourage them
<susmit> inode0, and how ofter do you update?
<azneita> is it just me or we're going to do this by countries
<susmit> inode0, I mean is there any method to cross check if someone
os still interested?
<azneita> anything for apac like https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA
<inode0> We have only been active as a group for about 9 months now so
we haven't had to clean up this page
<inode0> As far as I know we have no plan :(
<susmit> ok...
<susmit> azneita, we should...
<bhanupatial> This page should have methods to display the desired results only
<azneita> so we're agreed that we will be doing an APAC regional page
<bhanupatial> like drop downs to select country.. and then next one to
select state
<azneita> can wikis do that?
<bhanupatial> it will be easy to maintain
<susmit> bhanupatial, there is a proposal to make a map of ambassodors instead
<bhanupatial> that is what i want to understand
* thomasj_ is now known as thomasj
<azneita> i'll take this one on
<susmit> azneita, sure
<azneita> the APAC regional page
<bhanupatial> can anyone answer my question ?
<susmit> bhanupatial, AFAIK, no.
<azneita> i'm sorry bhanu, i don't think wikis support drop downs or am i wrong
<bhanupatial> :(
<susmit> so we move on?
<azneita> the regional page would be our working group with regional leaders
<azneita> working group directory
<susmit> exactly
<azneita> with volunteer regional leaders who will check on their folks
<azneita> update the page
<azneita> and in so doing make apac better organized and in a position
to do bigger things
<susmit> no, let people update the page themselves. We can ping them
<azneita> am i hitting them all
<susmit> lets do it this way,
<azneita> works fine by me
<susmit> 1. lets create the page
<susmit> 2. Advertise it widely.
<azneita> ok
<susmit> 3. Who updates the page, route works to them.
<KageSenshi> izharfirdaus .. late >.<
<susmit> 4. Those who takes up or replies fine.
<susmit> 5. If someone does not, ping him, and if still unreachable,
remove him/her.
<azneita> i'm ind of lost on the third one
<susmit> those who puts there name on the page, let's mail them like,
you have this event on your locality, can you please take care of it?
<azneita> ah
* shambo (n=shambo at fedora/shambo) has joined #fedora-meeting
<azneita> i think we can reserve them to the regional leaders
<shambo> sorry for being late
<susmit> of course yes.
<azneita> hi shambo
<susmit> azneita, ^^
<shambo> hi azneita
<KageSenshi> hi shambo
<susmit> hi all :)
<azneita> guys your full names please
<shambo> hi Kagesenshi
<KageSenshi> Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail .. FAS: izhar
<shambo> Shambo Bose .... FAS : shambo
<azneita> we're talking about creating an APAC regional page much like
<susmit> and like https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/India/Regions
<KageSenshi> ah
<azneita> it will be our working group directory with volunteer
regional leaders to help us organize better
<shambo> ok , that will be nice
<susmit> azneita, brb in 2 minutes..sorry
<shambo> yes it will work as a directory
<azneita> ok i have this two fine guys to keep me company :D
<azneita> the operational word here is *working*
<bhanupatial> :D
<KageSenshi> ok
<shambo> someone from us has to maintain it regularly and it takes
quite amount of time
<azneita> only for your region
<azneita> maybe monthly or so
<bhanupatial> If we can have centralized location of contact numbers
of all the active ambassadors, will help us to communicate better
<shambo> monthly will be fine
<azneita> especially for India which is huge
<azneita> during our meetings
<azneita> let's wrap the APAC regional page
<azneita> it will be like this https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA
<shambo> ok
<azneita> i'll have it ready later and i'll just ping you guys about it
<KageSenshi> ok
<susmit> back
<bhanupatial> :)
<azneita> let's now move on to other things if nobody has any issue with it
<susmit> no, azneita make it once per release
<susmit> once in a month will be a bit more overhead
<azneita> ok
<azneita> we'll make it once every 6 months ~release
<susmit> fine.
<KageSenshi> agree
<susmit> +1
<shambo> once per release is also a good option  +1
<susmit> KageSenshi, you are from?
* xlook (n=Jason_Be at cm239.sigma147.maxonline.com.sg) has joined #fedora-meeting
<KageSenshi> susmit, malaysia
<azneita> bhanu?
<bhanupatial> yup
<bhanupatial> +1
<susmit> yes, I knew, but wanted to make sure. :)
<xlook> xlook, froom Singapore.
<bhanupatial> :)
<xlook> Jason benedict
<KageSenshi> :)
<xlook> Hi sumit!
<KageSenshi> hi xlook
<azneita> that brings us to 6
<shambo> hi xlook
<azneita> yay
<susmit> xlook, your nick changed
<susmit> :)
<susmit> KageSenshi, we would like to hear about your region
* inode0 watches APAC meeting triple in size before his eyes :)
<xlook> so susmit how many joine this meeting? so sorry i drop in so
late as my laptop send for repair, i had to use vista with pidgin to
join here.
<xlook> Yes, my nick change, susmit
<azneita> we have 6 from apac and lord inode watching from above
<susmit> inode0, if there was 0 attendence, it could be multiplied a
million times. ;)
<susmit> KageSenshi, ?
<shambo> Is there any news from famsco
<KageSenshi> susmit, lots of interesting foss development around , gov
adopting odf , erm .. there might be an event happening on june .. erm
.. right now a number of us malaysian ambassadors are just students
who promote fedora in our uni, so not much movement at the country
<susmit> shambo, its done.
<azneita> can somebody give jason some log to keep him up to speed
<shambo> oh i am sorry I will catch up from the logs
<susmit> KageSenshi, why are not you trying to catch up other
universities as well?
<susmit> You must have friends there?
<inode0> ?
* che has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
<susmit> inode0, ?
<KageSenshi> susmit, coz most of us are stuck inside our own :P ..
<bhanupatial> :D
<inode0> This isn't quite live yet but maybe some of you could help
get it going ...
<inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Campus_Ambassadors
<bhanupatial> friends can we talk about
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Availability_Initiative mail
regarding same floated some days back.
<susmit> bhanupatial, later if time permits.
<xlook> +1
<susmit> inode0, good idea.
<shambo> +1
<susmit> KageSenshi, will any one of you volunteer to be first Campus
Ambassador from APAC?
<inode0> If we add a few more and poke themayor a little gently in the ribs :)
<KageSenshi> this is my final semester .. but i believe the others can :) ..
<susmit> get your juniors!!!
<susmit> watch out for anyone who can be a good campus ambassador!!!
<KageSenshi> susmit, still doing it right now :D
<KageSenshi> (especially someone to take over this LAN mirror)
* susmit observes that the problem with APAC is communication.
Everything else is fine. Many people are working but no update reaches
to the list.
<azneita> we're going to work on that susmit
<KageSenshi> yup
<azneita> it's now on our table, nowhere to go but up
<susmit> thanks.
<susmit> we have very little time, lets move to other agenda.
<shambo> yes
<azneita> finally managed https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC
<xlook> +1
<susmit> 3. Events/ Event reports
<azneita> nothing there yet but we can start now
<susmit> For India, I have ensured, all the event reports reach the
mailing lists/fedora planet.
<susmit> so no other update?
<susmit> ok...
<azneita> mine is on planet already
<susmit> 4. FreeMedia
<azneita> nothing from philippines right now
<susmit> KageSenshi, one thing I noticed, you probably have a separate
form for it...may I know why?
<xlook> just receieved 4 request...
<KageSenshi> susmit, form?
<KageSenshi> oh
<susmit> freemedia form
<KageSenshi> freemedia
<KageSenshi> it was there for a while
<KageSenshi> before the new centralized form
<xlook> look like the program work susmit, i get alert
<shambo> is that allowed ?
* KageSenshi havent update it yet >.<
<susmit> KageSenshi, please do it. Fedora wants to manage it's own
infrastructures. Not rely on google ;)
<KageSenshi> haha ok :D
<xlook> +1
<shambo> +1 :D
<susmit> xlook, what alerts are you getting?
<xlook> i mean the email for request for freemedia in singapore.
<susmit> but it is not yet set!!!!
<KageSenshi> erm .. regarding Event/Event reports .. i just got some
news that one of .my gov agency will be doing some sort of conference
on June/July .. more details yet to come
<KageSenshi> FOSS conference
<xlook> it's been sometime i have not receive any request ...
<xlook> ?
<susmit> xlook, no you will not....:)
<xlook> hur? sorry confuse now.
<susmit> please have a look at https://fedorahosted.org/freemedia/
<shambo> susmit i am not getting the concept of opening and closing of ticket
<susmit> log in with your fas account.
<shambo> ok
<susmit> view tickets
<shambo> ok
<xlook> susmit, i am the only FreeMedia in-charge in Singapore. I use
to get people request for fedora DVD via freemedia program but somehow
it just stop working till last week.
<susmit>  Pending Requests, APAC, Ordered By Country.
<bhanupatial> guys please be fast .. we are running out of time
<susmit> xlook, you can always have a look at the TRAC
<shambo> where is this view tickets option
<susmit> ok...I shall explain that after the meeting.
<shambo> ok
<xlook> if there is request, will i be alerted by email? or i have to
keep checking back in Trac?
<susmit> we finishes our agenda.
<xlook> +1
<susmit> lets formally close the meeting. there may be other meets here.


Sent from: Calcutta Wb India.

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