[Ambassadors] mentorship, sponsorship, etc.

Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez samuel_ig at yahoo.es
Tue Mar 31 20:06:34 UTC 2009

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:27:35 +0300
> From: Ewan Luca <ewanluca at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] mentorship, sponsorship, etc.
> To: fedora-ambassadors-list at redhat.com
> -10e1000
> So, with this, problem solved. Everything it's "just fine". Despite the fact
> this is the longest thread I saw until now on this mailing list (apart from
> the useless "me too").
> If we can't agree on a solution to the problem it doesn't mean the problem
> isn't there! Let's just stick out heads on the sand. "Fedora it's going
> great!" There is no such thing of Ubuntu (it seems to be tabu to talk about
> this), there is no such thing as 40% of the registered ambassadors (this is
> almost 1 in 2 of them!) inactive. The activity of the rest of them consists
> mainly on asking in vain "what can I do?". I'm sorry but it doesn't seems to
> me that things are ok at all.
> We have every week a few new ambassadors registred. This is really a good
> thing. But how many of them will end up being real contributors? If we
> continue like this, we'll have next year 2000 ambassadors (wich looks great
> on paper) and the next survey will prove that 90% of them are inactive. We
> might as well create 10000 fictive accounts on Fedora ambassadors list and
> be proud of our "strenght".
> I whant to know that this thread will be closed in N days and the decisions
> are XYand Z. Whatever decisions will come up it will be better that ignoring
> the problem.
> Ewan Luca


I've applied for being Spanish Fedora Ambassador few weeks ago. I'm
newbie in this kind of threads, but I want to explain my opinion.

If I understood right, there is one "problem" with inactive Ambassadors.
Maybe you want more active ambassadors that share their knowledge, make
speech, programming code or similar like that. Everyone wants it.

It's true that is better have less ambassadors, but very actives ones,
than more people, if 40% are inactive. But don't forget that I can't do
something "important" as an ambassador (like an open source event,
install party or whatever), but I can show my friends how to install
Fedora, I can help them with linux problems or I can talk about the
advantages of Fedora to my family, friends, coworkers, etc.

How can you measure this kind of work? With the quantity of monthly
emails that I send to this list? 

You can deny my application now, but two weeks later maybe, I'll
organize an Free Software Meeting on my city and I'll spread the
features of Fedora to hundred people (*).

I think we can put a simple condition, write a yearly report with your
done things. If you don't put ANYTHING, or don't send your report, you
will be denied for being a Fedora Ambassador.

It's possible that doing something like that, you can save only real
active ambassadors. Meaning "real active" that you are contributing to
the Community in some form.



(*) X Anniversary of AsturLiNUX (LUG from Principado de Asturias,
Spain). URL: http://www.asturlinux.org/aniversario 

Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <samuel_ig at yahoo.es>

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