[Ambassadors] My Report of the FLISOL México :)

Manuel Escudero Jmlevick at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 00:39:53 UTC 2010

Today took place FlisoL here in Mexico City as well as in Monterrey, I went
to the ITESM campus (In Coyoacán) and initially it was half ugly because
when I arrived to the conference it was a little late and the Conference
which I wanted to get was knida "cancelled".
Then, I had to wait until 3: 00 pm to join into another one that I was
interested in. (it was 11: 00 am at the time) So I decided to go to the
cinema to watch a movie and return at 3 o' Clock; Unfortunately I was late
and I arrived at the 4: 00 pm Conference, the last, that was about music in
Linux and free software. Not many people entered but was entertaining
because they began giving an introduction to a sheet music MIDI editor, and
when the doubts "arrived" and the speaker was in problems I started to
resolve them :) There was a point where they turned off the computer and
practically I devoted myself to talk about Linux, and what you can do with
it, everything we do as Fedora users and some of my projects of Xenode
Systems. Between questions and questions, I took the rest of the Conference
evangelizing people about Linux and I had fun enough, also I devoted myself
to speak for example about the taboo of "Ubuntu" as the easier distribution
in general supporting  RPM Distros, (Obviously Fedora in the most cases) and
how Linux is able to cover all the capabilities of Windows and Mac in some
areas offering up more. So I was solving the speaker questions and who
attended ones in General, talking about issues not only in the musical field

I hope that in the future  I can enjoy more events... Thanks to the Fedora
Community for allowing me to be awared about them.

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick at googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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