[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Announcement (28 May 2013)

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Sun May 26 04:05:52 UTC 2013

Please join us for our weekly FAmNA meeting this Tuesday at 9:00pm
Eastern in #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net.

I'd like to remind everyone that it is important for us to get some work
accomplished at these meetings and staying on the topic is important
to that end. All comments are welcome from ambassadors during the
meetings but please wait until the Open Floor to add any subject
matter not included in the meeting agenda via a ticket.

Feel free to add to the agenda. The easy way to add an agenda item is
described at the bottom of this announcement. Especially if you have
an event coming up that needs some attention.

This week's meeting leader: Richard II

== Meeting Agenda ==

No matter where; of comfort no man speak:
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs;
Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes
Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth,
Let's choose executors and talk of wills:
And yet not so, for what can we bequeath
Save our deposed bodies to the ground?
Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke's,
And nothing can we call our own but death
And that small model of the barren earth
Which serves as paste and cover to our bones.
For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings;
How some have been deposed; some slain in war,
Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed;
Some poison'd by their wives: some sleeping kill'd;
All murder'd: for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life,
Were brass impregnable, and humour'd thus
Comes at the last and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!
Cover your heads and mock not flesh and blood
With solemn reverence: throw away respect,
Tradition, form and ceremonious duty,
For you have but mistook me all this while:
I live with bread like you, feel want,
Taste grief, need friends: subjected thus,
How can you say to me, I am a king?

=== Announcements ===

Time for brief announcements.

=== Budget ===

The regional support budget has been announced and details can see here:


Since we are one month into Q1 we need to begin to address Q1 spending
immediately. So let's spend what time we need this week to do this.

=== Tickets ===

Tickets scheduled for discussion at this meeting can be found at


Please read through each ticket in advance so you can be prepared to
discuss them at the meeting.

=== Select Next Meeting Leader ===

=== Open Floor ===

Unscheduled topics can be raised during the open floor if time
permits. Discussion of any topic will generally be more productive if
participants know about the topics in advance and have some time to
think about them, so please add your topics to the meeting agenda in
the ticket system when possible.

If you would like to add a topic for discussion at our meetings please
open a ticket at


and set its milestone to meeting.


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