[Ambassadors] Discussion: revoking ambassador status

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 14:23:17 UTC 2014

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Itamar Reis Peixoto
<itamar at ispbrasil.com.br> wrote:
> in my point of view the main problem is having inactive mentors.
> mentor for me is not the guy that approve new ambassadors .
> new mentors are nominated by current mentors ( for me is not good)

I can understand not having enough mentors in a region being a
problem. I can't understand how having an inactive mentor is a
problem. An inactive mentor is someone the community trusted to
perform a certain task and who for whatever reason can't at the
moment. That inactive mentor is like having money in the bank though,
and when circumstances permit they can begin performing their task
again. Kick one out and they won't come back.

> what happens if  you tried to blame the police to the police  ?

Please don't equate mentors with police.


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