[fedora-arm] Re: Fedora 8/ARM available

Caolan McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Tue Feb 26 12:27:16 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 14:12 +0200, Rabeeh Khoury wrote:
> I applied your two patches to the build but I'm failing on
> 'regcomp.bin' both in %build and %install where it's eating all the
> memory and at the end being killed for out of memory.
> Did you have the same behavior? 

No, but I built it "vanilla" style, not with rpmbuild and the .spec.
But do you have a build log for which regcomp is failing ?

> Can you please provide some lines what 'regcomp' does in the build and
> how to start debugging this?

regcomp stands for register component so it should basically dlopen a
library (in the case of a C++ component, different but similar idea for
java/python components) and call a few of the component registration c
symbols and then write the name of the component and the returned
details of what the component implements into a .rdb file. Without
knowing what component when registered eats the memory I couldn't guess
if its a C++ one, a python one or a java one which causes the trouble.

There are some things in solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm where
there are 

$unomaxservices = ...;
$javamaxservices = ...;

if you set those to e.g. 1 then during installation at least then there
should only be one library at a time passed to the registration process,
that might help isolate if it affects just one lib or *all* libs. But if
there was an OOM during the build then it won't affect that. Probably
best to start at the first problem. Where did it fail during build ? and
was OOo configured with or without java on arm ?


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