[fedora-arm] rfsbuild Fedora 12 doesn't have a repomod.xml

tuxdna tuxdna at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 11:44:59 UTC 2010

> ... then take a look at this script
> http://ftp.linux.org.uk/pub/linux/arm/fedora/rootfs/mkrootfs-f12

Thanks Andy.

I tried that same script earlier. It gives multiple errors:
 * Error getting repository data for f11, repository not found
 * mkrootfs-f12: line 48:
rootfs-f12/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0: No such file or

The complete output is at:  http://fpaste.org/bWro/

There is a command in that script which fails due to missing repository:
yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=f11 --installroot=`pwd`/$fsdir -y
install fedora-release gcc initscripts redhat-rpm-config yum rpm
openssh-server dhclient rpm vim-minimal passwd rootfiles wget 2>&1 |
tee $fsdir.log

How can I configure repo for f11? ( or f12 for that matter? )

The only files the mkrootfs-f12 script created are:
|-- dev
|   |-- console
|   |-- null
|   `-- zero
`-- var
    |-- lib
    |   |-- rpm
    |   |   |-- Name
    |   |   |-- Packages
    |   |   `-- Providename
    |   `-- yum
    |       `-- uuid
    `-- log
        `-- yum.log

Can someone provide me with a working repository information?
How can I fix it myself?


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