[fedora-arm] URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: FAS password *AND* key changes

Jon Masters jcm at redhat.com
Thu Dec 1 01:30:18 UTC 2011


Please make sure you have recently changed your FAS password to ensure
it meets with the current requirements, which are more strict now. You
also *must* upload a new SSH public key that differs from your old one.
If you have already followed these steps per devel@ you should be fine.

Note that you can use the following in your .ssh/config:

HOST *.fedoraproject.org fedorapeople.org *.fedorahosted.org
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_fedora

If like me you do not want to generally change a public key you also use
for other systems, you can give Fedora what it wants and not have to go
changing keys you use on lots of other systems also :)


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