[fedora-arm] builder io isue

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Mon Dec 26 05:20:54 UTC 2011

On 12/26/2011 05:06 AM, Gordan Bobic wrote:

>>>> Disable fs
>>>> journaling (normally dangerous, but this is throw-away space).
>>> Not really dangerous - the only danger is that you might have to wait
>>> for fsck to do it's thing on an unclean shutdown (which can take hours
>>> on a full TB scale disk, granted).
>> I mean dangerous in the sense that if the server goes down, there might
>> be data loss, but the builders using the space won't know that. This is
>> particularly true if nfs exports are async.
> Strictly speaking, journal is about preventing the integrity of the FS
> so you don't have to fsck it after an unclean shutdown, not about
> preventing data loss as such. But I guess you could argue the two are
> related.

Obviously, I meant protecting rather than preventing the integrity. :^)


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