[fedora-arm] Preconfigured ARM VM available for testing on PCs

Chris Tyler chris at tylers.info
Mon Feb 28 22:26:15 UTC 2011

I've packaged up a preconfigured ARM VM for easy testing of Fedora-ARM
on a PC. From my blog post[0]:


The Fedora ARM secondary architecture project[1] reached a significant
milestone last week with Paul's announcement of the beta 1 release[2].

Interested in ARM but lacking ARM hardware? Not a problem! Fedora
includes support for ARM virtual machines, and I'm packaged up a
preconfigured ARM VM for your convenience:

    * ARM virtual machine package:

    * Repo config for staying up-to-date on ARM VM releases:

The armvm package will install a preconfigured ARM virtual machine named
"f13-arm-beta1" with a 2GB image and a 128MB memory footprint. Since
x86_64 processors don't provide hardware support for ARM processor
virtualization, the ARM VM will run slowly compared to i386/x86_64 VMs,
but the performance should be tolerable on most machines (Atom netbooks
excepted). You can manage the VM with virsh or virt-manager.


(Please don't forget that both the Fedora ARM beta release and the armvm
package are very definitely at the pre-release/beta stage of maturity.
In particular, updating the armvm package will REPLACE your arm VM with
a new image - beware!).

[0] http://blog.chris.tylers.info/index.php?/archives/248-.html
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM


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