[fedora-arm] Broken sha512sum in coreutils

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Fri Jan 7 10:40:16 UTC 2011

It would appear that sha512sum is broken, at least in the F12 distro 
(coreutils-7.6-5.fc12.fa1.armv5tel). It is producing a different hash 
for the same file compared to what my x86 machines produce. This is 
quite worrying and a potentially dangerous crypto-security issue.

The only thing that comes to mind as a potential cause (other than a 
bug) is that I am using gcc/libgcc from F13 with F12 coreutils. I just 
updated coreutils to the F13 package (coreutils-8.4-5.fc13.armv5tel), 
and that produces the correct hashes.

Can anybody with a clean F12 vanilla copy check if they can reproduce 
the problem?



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