[fedora-arm] New Packages and Policy Questions

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Thu Jan 13 10:22:24 UTC 2011

I have a question on policies of how and whether Fedora-ARM patches are 
rolled back into rawhide. The reason I ask is because I see overlap 
between the required ARM specific patches between F11 and F12. What is 
the policy for rolling these patches back into upstream and (more 
importantly in case upstream is slow/reluctant to accept them) rawhide?

Also, what is the policy on new packages? Specifically, I found myself 
in need of openssl098k compatibility package (need to run some binaries 
from F11). This is pretty trivial to come up with (change the package 
name from openssl-0.9.8k to openssl098k-0.9.8k in the spec file and 
re-tar the openssl tar ball to extract to openssl098k-0.9.8k directory 
instead of openssl-0.9.8k directory), but what I wanted to ask if 
whether there is some kind of a policy for including things like this in 
the main distro. It is likely that this would be useful to other people 
who are less willing/able to roll their own packages.


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