[fedora-arm] arm at lists.fedoraproject.org

Brendan Conoboy blc at redhat.com
Wed Mar 2 20:50:49 UTC 2011

On 03/02/2011 07:31 AM, omalleys at msu.edu wrote:
> I will give you my concerns :)
> Is there a way to strip out What one you aren't using? IE i don't have
> an fpu, therefore I want to strip out the hardfpu code for a smaller
> binary.

Just to clarify, this script and its resulting binaries are to assist 
bootstrapping armv7l.  I don't think anybody is considering it for 
anything beyond a one time rebuild of all the packages.

> What vfpu are the target? I thought the main reason why we didn't want
> hard fpu's was because of the differences, between them. Number of
> registers varied, etc. You can't really optimize for each of them and
> have any sanity.

This does bring up an interesting point- right now the flag difference 
is simply '-mfloat-abi=hard'.  Is this the right flag for all armv7 

> Is this going into the compiler? ie you compile for arm and you get
> the resulting fat binaries?

That's pretty much the idea.  It's just to get armv7 built without 
having to tackle circulator dependency chains during bootstrap.

> If I have to run a script that changes the objects in the binaries, it
> screws up checksums and can cause all sorts of issues.

It would definitely alter checksums.  What other issues do you foresee?

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / blc at redhat.com

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