[fedora-arm] smartbook queries

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 17:46:12 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Kevin Fenzi <kevin at scrye.com> wrote:
> Greetings.
> Finally got f13 running (from sd) on my smartbook. ;)
> Some additional questions for those out there with one:
> * How do you install to the internal flash? dd and resizefs? I don't
>  see a liveinst on the root image.

Or create a new file system and extract a rootfs onto it.

> * I see there's a f14 rc rootfs. Would this work on the smartbook with
>  a newer kernel?

Yes, if your kernel is 2.6.32 or later. I'm planning on cutting a F-14
beta smartbook image this week.

> * Are there any testing/alpha f15 rootfs/kernels out there yet?

Not really, there's a rootfs for building of hardfp but its not really
designed with a UX but for building packages. On the XO 1.75 we're
seeing good improvements in performance on F-14 over F-13.


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