[fedora-arm] Include prelink in fedora arm?

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Tue Sep 6 18:50:30 UTC 2011

On 09/06/2011 06:28 PM, Jon wrote:
> We like randomized addresses, improves security so exploit code cannot
> anticipate the address.
> Prelinked address might improve startup speed, but I'm not convinced the
> speedup is worth the risk.
> I believe even when sysctl is set to randomize address space, prelink
> will still effect normalized addresses.
> Also, there are questions about the actual speedup.
> I feel prelink should be disabled in fedora completely.

Agreed. Also if I am not very much mistaken, most other distros do 
exactly that - disable prelink by default.

> However, updating the package is still desirable for resolving dependencies.

Indeed, that is livable with.


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