[fedora-arm] Initial Possible Workings For Anaconda On ARM? (And A Bunch Of Other Random Stuff!)

Jon Chiappetta Jon.Chiappetta at senecacollege.ca
Thu Apr 5 03:24:07 UTC 2012

Hey everyone,

I did some crazy interesting reading regarding some people in the past (including some really bright people who have worked at RedHat :)
This included many funny/entertaining bug reports containing comments from Drepper vs Stallman vs Torvalds etc...
Some of the highlights from those included:


Then I went back and wanted to look at what requirements primary/fesco requested in specific of ARM here:


Anyway then I was really bored and wanted to work on looking at the source code to Anaconda
Little did I know that dmarlin is also doing some great work on the various needed layers to make Anaconda run sensibly on our platforms (I'm sorry for that!)
I think to, tho, that we are tackling different areas of it so we can also possibly combine our work later on and have a better result in the end hopefully :)
So I took a Guru from Jordan & Max and used Paul's computer since it has 2 NICs so it can NAT the WAN and installed pbrobinson's F17 on it
Without all of your hard work efforts (from the entire ARM community!) on F17, I wouldn't have even been able to test it or even get it running on an ARM device so thank you all as well! :D
Anyway, I know I may be jumping the gun here on how all of these things should work but I'm really trying hard to prove useful to the hard working community...
Basically here's what I have to offer to help out with the push to primary (keep in mind that I am by no means a programmer so I'm sorry for the bad code!):

An "easy-to-use", cross-platform, generalized, GUI Fedora ARM Installer: http://fossjon.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/fedora-arm-image-installer-faii/
Some simple shell scripts to help us show the others of our current build status (error number/build times): http://fossjon.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/some-koji-scripts-the-push-for-primary/
The initial workings of Anaconda & Firstboot on Fedora ARM devices: http://fossjon.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/tweaking-anaconda-to-run-on-arm/

With those parts above, some of them can be used in conjunction with each other (like the installer with an Anaconda-based image) to show our value,
Anyway, sorry for the long email,
I've just had a lot on my mind lately and needed to talk to you guys about it,
Hopefully my coding skills are at least able to help us demonstrate that ARM is a serious contender for primary as we're all working extremely hard to get all the parts in place,
Thanks for all your time and patience with my long (possibly bad) e-mailing-list-items,

Jon Chiappetta

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