[fedora-arm] Raspberry Pi and Eclipse

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Apr 18 16:32:57 UTC 2012

On 04/18/2012 05:29 PM, Chris Tyler wrote:

>> Is there an F17 remix on the horizon?
> Yes -- a group of students here have been hacking away on various pieces
> over the last semester. I'm moving their stuff to my research group for
> long-term maintenance and we'll push as much of it as appropriate into
> Fedora proper -- there will still be a very few bits with ugly license
> issues or where we need to build or optimize differently and haven't yet
> reconciled with the main Fedora package, but these are rare and should
> diminish over time.

Very good.  I'm interested in playing with OpenJDK on F17 if there's
a filesystem image you can let me have.


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