[fedora-arm] Fedora 17 v6hl First Compose Image

Sean Omalley omalley_s at rocketmail.com
Wed Dec 12 14:53:22 UTC 2012

I tried the armv6 ([v6] ) image on a new 512 pi. I tried to install the
gui.. :)  It looks like it mostly worked. It just hangs on X. The filesystem is there and resized, the kernel boots, etc. 

I am getting:
[    18.919] (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOBLANK: Operation not permitted in the xorg.log

It is having issues with the logitech wireless mouse and keyboard (i attached the xorg.log file). The keyboard and mouse work perfect in the installer screen. (however it is flaky in the cli, I had to replug it) and it is flaky on armv5 even when the drivers are compiled into the kernel. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I need to test to see if it is because i hit the keyboard/mouse before gdm is actually up.


There is a fsck.vfat not found error after the gui install when it is umounting the first time. 


If you do a cli install. startx craps out. but you can login at least. :) 
xinit connection to server lost, is the last thing on the screen. I kind of wonder if it is attaching to the wrong tty or device. 

It is also getting the mmc and other errors, but those were fixed on the v5 armtel, when the 3.2.27+ kernel. (I just installed a new kernel, not the matching firmware..) 

Otherwise I am pretty impressed with the progress that has been made overall.  It is looking good!!! :) 
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