[fedora-arm] Meeting on Wed Feb 1, 2012

Jon Masters jcm at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 00:18:01 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

We have arranged a sync-up meeting for tomorrow (Wed) Feb 1, 2012 at 4pm
EST (16:00), which is 9pm UK time. This is the new time slot, so please
let me know if there is a reason that it will no longer work for you.

Here is a first cut agenda we can use:

0). Update on current build failures
	- What have we fixed?
	- What remains broken?
	- Who has the ball on what issues?
	- Which issues need someone to own them?
1). Plan for remainder of Fedora 17 work
2). Build system updates.
3). Any other business
	- PA planning
	- Raspberry Pi

I'd like to propose bringing back the regular daily sync at the same
time (1pm PST, 3pm CST, 4pm EST, 9pm UK), beginning on Thursday. If we
can ensure we sync once a day on what needs fixing, I think it'll help.


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