[fedora-arm] Koji - RPM naming

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Sun Jan 1 01:43:17 UTC 2012

On 01/01/2012 01:16 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> El Sat, 31 Dec 2011 13:26:00 -0700
> <webwillow at thewebwillow.com>  escribió:
>> As i have come across the builds of rpm's in koji i noticed that some
>> packages have something like dist_0.src.rpm or dist_1.src.rpm instead
>> if dist.src.rpm. This causes koji to spit them out due to version
>> mismatch errors, how is this addressed by the fedora team?
>> Do ou have to modify the main tag or?
> we make the srpms from a git checkout on primary arches. %{?dist} is
> set to whats expected inside the buildroot used to make the srpms. the
> srpms we feed into secondary arches have matching fedora-release
> installed and get the right values. without specifics about what your
> talking about or doing there is no way to help you.

I believe what Don is talking about is that some src.rpm packages are 
called dist_<number>.src.rpm instead of dist.<number>.src.rpm, and what 
we have found is that koji seems to choke on this. But if you:

rpm -ivh mypackage-1.2.3.dist_1.src.rpm
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
rpmbuild -bs mypackage.spec

you end up with mypackage-1.2.3.dist.1.src.rpm

If you feed the original file with the underscore to koji, it chokes on 
it. If you feed it the newly generated src.rpm with the . in the name 
instead of _, it works fine.

What Don and I are wondering about is where did these _ named packages 
come from and why.


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